And from the Lamb, a living stream, 16 The stream doth water Paradise, Such hidden manna, hidden pearls, 8 Eye hath not seen, nor ear hath heard, What thou, Lord, hast laid up for thine, 91 see thy face, I hear thy voice, My soul doth leap but oh! for wings, 10. Then should I fly far hence away, Then should my Lord put forth his hand, 11 Then should my soul with angels feast, Who gives me here a taste. H L HYMN 202. С. М. Rejoicing in a Revival of Religion. ARK! hear the sound, on earth 'tis found, My soul delights to hear Of dying love that's from above, Of pardon bought most dear. 2 God's ministers, a flaming fire, Are passing through the land, Their voice is, " hear, repent, and fear, "King Jesus is at hand." 3 Young converts sing, and praise their king, And bless God's holy name; Whilst older saints, leave their complaints, 4 Convinc'd of sin, men now begin Trembling they pray, and mourn the day 5 God's chariot rolls, and frights the souls 6 Pour down a shower of thy great pow'r, On all who try and humbly cry, That they may have a part. 7 Come, sinners, all, hear now God's call, And pray with one accord; Saints, raise your songs--with joyful tongues, To hail th' approaching Lord. HYMN 203. L. M. An awakened Sinner lamenting his past security. A LAS, alas, how blind I've been, How little of myself I've seen! Sportive I sail'd the sensual tide, But mock'd the threats of truth divine, And scorn'd the place where angels shine. 3 My angry heart refus'd the blood, Of a descending, suff'ring God; And guilty passion boldly broke The holy law which heav'n had spoke. 4 Th"alluring world control'd my choice, When conscience spake, I hush'd its voice, Securely laugh'd along the road, Which hapless millions first had trod. 5 Now the Almighty God comes near, And makes me shake with awful fear; His terrors all my strength exhaust, My fear grows high, my peace is lost. 6 With keen remorse I feel my wound, And seem to hear the dreadful sound, "Depart from me, thou wretch undone, Go reap thy sin, and feel my frown." 7 Thus ends my mirthful, thoughtless life, Fill'd up with folly, guilt and strife; Perhaps I sink to endless pain, Nor hear the voice of joy again. HYMN 204. С. М. The successful Resolve. I will go in unto the NOME, humble sinner, in whose breast, A thousand thoughts rese 2 "I'll go to Jesus, though my sin 4 3 "Prostrate I'll lie before his throne, Without his sov'reign grace. But if I perish I will pray, 6 "I can but perish if I go, W HYMN 205. Eights and Sixes. The Returning Penitent. HEN with my mind devoutly press'd, Would past offences trace; 2 This tongue with blasphemies defil'd, 3 These eyes, that once abus'd the light, These hands are rais'd in ceaseless pray'r, - In pure redeeming blood. HYMN 206. Elevens. And the Soul of the People was much discouraged because of the way. Numb. xxi. 4. H OW many and great are the foes which in fest The way thro' this world to the Canaan of rest? 2 Though Satan, the world, and corruptions combine, And try to prevent the poor Pilgrim's design; They cannot destroy, though they often betray, And make him discourag'd because of the way. 3 When good he would do, imperfections abound, His graces are weak, and temptations surround; For many turn back, and would lead him astray, Which makes him discourag'd because of the way. |