HYMN 35. С. М.
Atonement and Sanctification.
by nature how deprav'd,
How prone to every ill! Our lives to Satan how enslav'd, How obstinate our will!
2 And can such sinners be restor'd, Such rebels reconcil'd?
Can grace sufficient means afford To make the foe a child?
3 Yes, grace has found the wond'rous means Which shall effectual prove; To cleanse us from our countless sins, And teach our hearts to love.
4 JESUS for us a ransom paid,
And dy'd that we might live; His blood a full atonement made, And cry'd aloud, FORGIVE.
5 Yet one thing more must grace provide; To bring us home to God; Or we shall slight the Lord who dy'd, And trample on his blood.
6 The Holy Spirit must reveal
The Saviour's work and worth: Then the hard heart begins to feel A new and heavenly birth.
7 Thus bought with blood, and born again; Redeem'd and sav'd by grace; Rebels, in God's own house obtain A son's and daughter's places
The Gospel of Christ.
☑ OD in the gospel of his Son, Makes his eternal counsels known:
'Tis here his richest mercy shines, And truth is drawn in fairest lines.
2 Here sinners of an humble frame, May taste his grace and learn his name; 'Tis writ in characters of blood, Severely just, immensely good. 3 Here, Jesus in ten thousand ways, His soul-attracting charms displays! Recounts his poverty and pains, And tells his love in melting strains. 4 Wisdom its dictates here imparts, To form our minds, to cheer our hearts; Its influence makes the sinner live, And bids the drooping saint revive. 5 Our raging passion it controls, And comfort yields to contrite souls; It brings a better world in view, And guides us all our journey through. 6 May this blest volume ever lie Close to my heart and near my eye, 'Till life's last hour my soul engage, And be my chosen heritage.
LOW ye the trumpet, blow The gladly solemn sound !
Let all the nations know To earth's remotest bound;
The year of Jubilee is come; Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home.
2 Exalt the Lamb of God, The sin atoning Lamb ; Redemption by his blood, Through all the lands proclaim,
The year of Jubilee is come; Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home.
3 Ye slaves of sin and hell, Your liberty receive; And safe in Jesus dwell, And blest in Jesus live; The year of Jubilee is come; Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home.
4 The gospel trumpet hear, The news of pard'ning grace; Ye happy souls draw near, Behold your Saviour's face;
The year of Jubilee is come; Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home. 5 Jesus, our great high priest, Has full atonement made: Ye weary spirits rest;
Ye mournful souls be glad ! The year of Jubilee is come; Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home.
HYMN 38. Eights and Sixes.
Christ's Infancy.
SIGHT of anguish! view it near, What weeping innocence is here, A manger for his bed; The brutes yield refuge to his woe, Men worse than brutes no pity show, Nor give him friendly aid.
2 Why do no rapid thunders roll ? Why do no tempests rock the pole ?
O miracle of grace! Or why no angels on the wing, Warm for the honor of their King, To punish all the race ! 3 Though now an infant bath'd in tears, He call'd to form the rolling spheres; And seraphs own'd his nod. Helpless he calls, but men delay, And guilty sinners disobey
The first born Son of God. 4 Say, radiant seraphs, thron'd in light, Did love e'er tow'r so high a flight, Or glory sink so low ? This wonder angels scarce declare, Angels the rapture scarce can bear, Or equal praise bestow. 5 Redemption! 'tis a boundless theme! Thou boundless mind, our hearts inflame With ardor from above.
Words are but faint, let joy express : Vain is mere joy, let actions bless This prodigy of love.
The Glorious Gospel. 1 Tim. i. 11. THAT wisdom, majesty, and grace, Thro' all the gospel shine! 'Tis God that speaks, and we confess The doctrine most divine.
2 Down from his starry throne on high, Th' Almighty Saviour comes; Lays his bright robes of glory by. And feeble flesh assumes.
3 The mighty debt that sinners ow'd, Upon the cross he pays :
Then thro' the clouds ascends to God, 'Midst shouts of loftiest praise.
4 There he our great High Priest appears, Before his Father's throne;
Mingles his merit with our tears, And pours salvation down.
5 Great God, with rev'rence we adore Thy justice and thy grace; And on thy faithfulness and pow'r, Our firm dependence place.
HYMN 40. L. M.
Election. Rom. viii. 33-39.
THO shall condemn to endless flames The chosen people of our God, Since in the book of life their names Are fairly writ in Jesu's blood? 2 He for the sins of his elect, Hath a complete atonement made; Stern justice views, without defect, The work he wrought, the price he paid.
3 Not tribulation, nakedness, Or famine, peril or the sword : Not persecution, or distress, Can separate from Christ the Lord.
4 Nor life, nor death, nor depth, nor height, Nor pow'rs below, nor pow'rs above : Not present things, nor things to come, Can change his purposes of love. 5 His sov'reign mercy knows no end, His faithfulness shall still endure;
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