uneafy fenfations on their part would not immediately cease. Now this is what must be confidered at leaft as a remarkable circumftance; behold the amiable Deborah, who would gladly lay down even her life, could fhe thereby render any fervice to the Jewish nation; behold her praying for Ifrael upon her bended. knees, and making use of the very beft form of prayer that can be used on fuch an occafion, even the prayer of Daniel, recorded in the 9th chapter of his book; behold her rifen from her knees, with the pen in her hand, endeavouring to ufe the MEANS whereby SHE THINKS the end is moft likely to be attained; in pursuing what fhe conceives to be the MEANS, fhe writes the tract "Deborah to the rem"nant of Ifrael," in which fhe approves of the conduct of the London Society towards the Jews, and informs them that it is a well known fact that they are obliged to rely almost implicitly upon the expofition of their elders; and then adds, "How vain these ex"pofitions are, it will be the business of the LON"DON SOCIETY to fhew, in the various addreffes "they are about to publish TO the Jewish nation;" and the LONDON SOCIETY, in the N. B. which they add to this THEIR publication of the tract," De"borah to the remnant of Ifrael," fpeak of the traditions of the rabbins as MISERABLE INVENTIONS. This gives rife to fome degree of uneafiness in the Jews, and they think that the conduct of your Society towards them is not correct; and the English Ifraelite is aroused to a reply. Is he to be accufed of infincerity infincerity because he has, in his letter to the Parifian Sanhedrim, fpoken words which imply that there are rabbinical traditions and opinions which, notwithstanding he is a Jew, he cannot receive? If this is a proof of infincerity, I conceive that every true son of the church of England is an infincere man; for highly as we refpect our bifhops and clergy, we do not confider them as INFALLIBLE. We respect them as men, but no further than they are MEN ORDAINED BY THE GOOD PROVIDENCE OF GOD TO THE IMPORTANT OFFICE OF SHEPHERDS OF THE FLOCK; "not as being lords over God's heritage ;" not as ruling by compulfive means, fuch as you approve, and would wish to refort to (page 35), "but as being ENSAMPLES OF THE FLOCK;" and as fuch we hope, that "when the CHIEF SHEPHERD fhall appear," they will receive a crown of glory that "fadeth not away." 1 Pet. v. 3, 4.-The English Ifraelite may therefore be confiftently allowed to feel as much refpect to the venerable rabbi of his fynagogue, as we feel towards the bishops and clergy of 66 our church. Two boys are feen fighting in the street, a lover of peace interferes, and endeavours to feparate them and make them live in peace. Sir, fays one, he knocked me down : true, fays the other, I did, and I will do fo again if you repeat the provocation-you REPROACHED my father, my own dear father. My dear boy, fays the lover of peace, with joy at beholding the piety of the young hero, I admire your fpirit, though I cannot entirely approve of the way in which you you have fhewn, it. Allowances are however to be made, and are made by our laws, which will juftify actions done by a fon in defence of a father, or by a father in defence of a fon, or by an husband in defence of his wife, or a fervant in defence of his master, which would not otherwise be excufable. Refpect for parents, and veneration for their memory, is the first commandment with promife, and it is a promise which is fulfilled to thofe who obferve it, however in other points they may be ignorant or mistaken. There is one nation that has been almoft exempt from those changes which have taken place in all the other parts of the earth. The Chinese have LONG DWELT in the land which GOD HAS GIVEN THEM; and it is fo remarkable a circumstance, such a well attested fact, that for my own part, when I read of the great veneration they are in the habit of fhewing towards their parents (whatever superstition may be mixed with it), I cannot but confider it as an accomplishment of that promife which is annexed to the performance of this duty, by JEHOVAH, GOD OF ISRAEL; for though Ifrael is his fon, even his firftborn, yet all the earth is his. Exod. iv. 22. 1 Chron. xvi. 30. The English Ifraelite, in my opinion, fhews no improper veneration for his religion, in exulting that it is the religion of his ancestors; if he had gone even further, and exulted that it was the religion of Abraham, Ifaac, and Jacob; of Mofes, the servant of God; of Samuel; of David, the king; of Ifaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel; of Shadrach, Me fhach, and Abednego; of Hofea and all the GOODLY FELLOWSHIP of the prophets; I fhould have faid yea! amen! to his affertion, and even joined in his exultation at the piety and the privileges of thefe auguft members of his nation, who have uniformly teftified that great refpect; yea, veneration is due from a child to a parent, and a due proportion of the fame refpect from a child to its tutor, and a learner to the minifter or inftructor of the congregation. I am forry to say that thofe who have been engaged in this matter, and thofe who are now engaged with you in it, have fhewn a very different opinion as to the obligation of that law which is the firft commandment upon the fecond table, which refpects our duty towards man, "Honour thy father and thy mother: "that thy days may be long upon the land which "JEHOVAH thy God giveth thee," Exod. xx. 12. This, as St. Paul expreffes it in Ephef. vi. 2. "is "the firft commandment with promife." It is one great link in that chain which binds men in fociety, and if this is broken, anarchy must be the refult; but of this in its proper place. So far from this matter being questionable, it is manifest that the Almighty, looking at the motive on which obedience is grounded, beholds with an eye of complacency what in modern times would be held to be obedience to an undue exercise of parental authority. Thus Jeremiah was commanded to go to the houfe of the Rechabites, to bring them into the house of JEHOVAH, and to fet wine before them, and to invite them to drink it. "But they faid, We will "drink no wine: for Jonadab the fon of Rechab our "father commanded us, faying, Ye fhall drink no "wine, neither ye, nor your fons for ever: neither "fhall ye build houfe, nor fow feed, nor plant "vineyard, nor have any: but all your days ye fhall "dwell in tents; that ye may live many days in the "land where ye be ftrangers. Thus have we obeyed "the voice of Jonadab the son of Rechab our father "in all that he hath charged us, to drink no wine "all our days, we, our wives, our fons, nor our "daughters; nor to build houfes for us to dwell in; "neither have we vineyard, nor field, nor feed: but "we have dwelt in tents, and have obeyed, and done "according to all that Jonadab our father com"manded us. But it came to pafs, when Nebuchad army nezzar king of Babylon came up into the land, that "we faid, Come, and let us go to Jerufalem for fear "of the army of the Chaldeans, and for fear of the of the Syrians; fo we dwell at Jerufalem. "Then came the word of JEHOVAH unto Jeremiah, faying, Thus faith JEHOVAH OF HOSTS, THE "GOD OF ISRAEL; Go and tell the men of Judah "and the inhabitants of Jerufalem, Will ye not re"ceive inftruction to hearken to my words? faith "JEHOVAH. The words of Jonadab the fon of "Rechab, that he commanded his fons not to drink "wine, are performed; for unto this day they drink "none but obey their father's commandment: not"withstanding I have spoken unto you, rifing early "and fpeaking; but ye hearkened not unto me, I "have fent alfo unto you all my fervants the prophets, ❝ rifing |