66 and with all thy foul, that thou mayeft live. And JEHOVAH THY GOD will put all thefe curfes upon thine enemies, and on them that hate thee, which "perfecuted thee. And thou fhalt return and OBEY "the voice of JEHOVAH, and DO ALL HIS "COMMANDMENTS WHICH I COMMAND "THEE THIS DAY. JEHOVAH THY GOD will "make thee plenteous in every work of thine hand, "in the fruit of thy body, and in the fruit of thy cattle, and in the fruit of thy. land, for good for JE"HOVAH will again rejoice over thee for good, as he rejoiced over thy fathers: if thou fhalt hearken "unto the voice of JEHOVAH THY GOD, to KEEP "HIS COMMANDMENTS AND HIS STA"TUTES which are written in this BOOK OF "THE LAW, and if thou turn unto JEHOVAH 86 THY GOD with ALL thine heart, and with ALL "thy foul." Deut. xxx. 1—10. This then is the PREPARATION that the Jewish nation must pass through BEFORE they can be reftored to their long loft inheritance; and I fhould think myfelf not acting the part of a Chriftian if I did not forewarn my fellow Chriftians to BEWARE how they involve themselves in any measure in which the Jewish nation are the objects of human interference. Is Ifrael declared by the Great Creator of heaven and earth to be HIS SON, even his FIRSTBORN? Exod. iv. 22. Surely then his LOVE to his firftborn fon is far greater than can be felt towards them by all the goodly fellowship of the prophets, the noble army of martyrs of the Jewish church, or by all the other bleffed com panies of the heavenly hoft, and all the inhabitants of the earth united. The fum total of all this love to the Jewish nation, is but as one drop of water from the bucket, in comparison of that ocean of love that he beareth towards them who hath declared Ifrael to be his son, even his FIRSTBORN, who hath joined the names of Abraham, Ifaac, and Jacob, in that memorial which he hath declared fhall endure unto all generations. Thus fhalt thou fay unto the chil❝dren of Ifrael, JEHOVAH, the God of your fathers, "the God of Abraham, the God of Ifaac, and the "God of Jacob, hath fent me unto you: this is my "name for ever, and this my memorial unto all "generations." Exod. iii. 15. The most awful deftruction may be expected to overtake thofe who prefume in any measure to interfere in this matter. If the Almighty God, whose love to Ifrael is unbounded, hath, to fhew his juftice and to break the iron finew in the neck of his firstborn fon, Ifa. xlviii. 4. scattered Ifrael into all nations, will he permit the Gentile nations to interfere in this matter, without his authority, and in direct contradiction to his moft holy word, which declares that they shall be thus PREPARED to return BEFORE they fhall be permitted to return? All fuch attempts, if they are made, will be found to be as afflictive to thofe of the Jewifh nation, who may be thus deluded to think that it is in the power of man to restore them to their long loft inheritance, as to those who attempt thus to delude them; for thus is it written in the Book of Ezekiel, the prophet, "As I live, faith the Lord "JEHOVAH, JEHOVAH, furely with a mighty hand, and with a ftretched-out arm, and with fury poured out, will I rule over you: and I will bring you out from the people, and will gather you out of the countries, wherein ye are fcattered, with a mighty hand, and with a ftretched-out arm, and with fury poured out. And I will bring you into the wilderness of the people, and there will I plead with you face to "face. Like as I pleaded with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, fo will I plead "with you, faith the Lord JEHOVAH. And I will caufe you to pafs under the rod, and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant: and I will purge out from among you the rebels, and them "that tranfgrefs against me: I will bring them forth દ્વંદ out of the country where they fojourn, and they "fhall NOT ENTER into the land of Ifrael: and ye fhall know that I AM JEHOVAH." Ezek. xx. 33-38. & 66 Was the deliverance out of Egypt effected by the fword or by the favour of man? Quite the reverse; they were delivered by the almighty power of the Holy One of Ifrael, and "Egypt was glad when they "departed, for the fear of them fell upon them," Pf. cv. 38. and fo will it be in time to come. The deliverance of Ifrael out of all nations into which JEHOVAH, their gracious and merciful God, hath fcattered them, will be a far more extended, and confequently more confpicuous exertion of his almighty and miraculous power, than was their deliverance out of Egypt! Great as was that deliverance, it will be as it were eclipfed by their univerfal deliverance in time to come; for thus is it written, "Behold, the days come, faith JEHOVAH, that they fhall no more fay, JEHOVAH liveth, which brought up the "children of Ifrael out of the land of Egypt; but "JEHOVAH liveth, which brought up and which "led the feed of the houfe of Ifracl out of the north "country, and from all countries whither I HAD "DRIVEN them; and they fhall dwell in their "own land." Jere. xxiii. 7, 8. There is not a fact more clearly established than this, that it is only in the power of the Almighty God of Jacob to GATHER TOGETHER his elect, whom he hath fcattered; and if he hath decreed the state of mind in which they shall be restored, let man beware of interfering with the decree of the Almighty, for man cannot fee the heart of man. The PREPARATIONS of the heart in man is from the Lord, Prov. xvi. 1. and he will thus prepare their hearts in his own time. In the 31ft chapter of Jeremiah, in which their return is fo clearly predicted, we behold them thus PREPARED in the way declared in Deut. xxx. 1-10. Behold, I WILL "BRING them from the north country, and gather "them from the coafts of the earth, and with them "the blind and the lame, the woman with child and "her that travaileth with child together: a great company fhall return thither. They fhall come "with WEEPING, and with SUPPLICATIONS "will I lead them: I will cause them to walk by "the rivers of waters in a ftraight way, wherein they "fhall fhall not ftumble: for I am a FATHER to Ifrael, "and Ephraim is my FIRSTBORN." Jere. xxxi. 8, 9. It will be WHOLLY and SOLELY the act of the Almighty God of Jacob, and the nations will in due time be CONVINCED of the IMPOTENCE of human interference in this matter; for immediately after the words above quoted, we have on RECORD that divine meffage, which the Great Creator of heaven and earth hath ordained to be proclaimed to all nations, "Hear the WORD OF JEHOVAH, O 66 ye nations, and declare it in the ISLES afar off, "and fay, HE THAT SCATTERED ISRAEL "WILL GATHER HIM, and keep him as a "fhepherd doth his flock." It is JEHOVAH OF HOSTS, the merciful and gracious God of Ifrael, who hath SCATTERED Ifrael. So far from the Romans having power of themfelves to deftroy the temple and the city of Jerufalem by fire, if they had not been employed as the rod of the Almighty God of Jacob, they would not have been able to touch onę hair of the head of a fingle Jew, Dan. iii. 27. Matt. x. 30. Luke xii. 7. but the fire kindled by them would have been blown, by the breath of the Almighty, into the faces of their enemies, to their destruction, Dan iii. 22. but it was not fo, because the Romans were the rod, in the hand of JEHOVAH, God of Ifrael; and there is great confolation in the reflection that it was fo, becaufe if we fincerely believe the words of Mofes, recorded in the 30th chapter of Deuteronomy, we fhall have to confefs that the WAY in which the Jewish nation are to be restored to the land |