BAPTIST MAGAZINE FOR 1861. THE PROFITS ARISING FROM THE SALE OF THIS WORK ARE GIVEN TO THE WIDOWS OF BAPTIST MINISTERS, AT THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CONTRIBUTORS. REVS. D KATTERNS, W. G. LEWIS, JUN., AND C. H. SPURGEON. "Speaking the truth in love."-EPHESIANS iv. 15. LONDON: PEWTRESS & CO., 4, AVE MARIA LANE. MDCCCLXL PREFACE. IN closing the labours of our first editorial year, we are gratified in being able to report that our services have been appreciated by a large number of readers. We undertook the editorship of the Baptist Magazine in times, and under circumstances, of peculiar difficulty. New theological sentiments, which appear to have found more admirers in our body than we had previously imagined, arrayed against us some friends whose co-operation we should otherwise have highly valued; but as we differed toto cœlo from them, we had no alternative but to enunciate our own views, which we have endeavoured to do in a fearless and uncompromising manner. We have no ill-feeling towards any brother with whom we may have thus come into collision, but we have felt it to be our duty to express in the Magazine what we, in our hearts, believe to be the sentiments of the Baptist denomination. We thank our numerous contributors and correspondents, and direct our readers to the subjoined list of names as a proof of the statement, that in no previous year of the history of the Baptist Magazine has it been more extensively supported. From the testimony of friends, and from the notice of enemies, we gather that in no previous year of its history has it been so extensively read. We have adopted the principle of paying for articles, with a view of securing papers worthy of the perusal of our readers. In the course of the year, four or five papers contributed to our pages by different writers have been reprinted by special request at the cost of some of our subscribers. The department of "Notes and Queries" has obtained universal approval, and is enlisting a growing contributory. We appeal to our friends to make strenuous exertions for the increase of our circulation, and thus "to cause the widow's heart to sing for joy." D. KATTERNS. W. G. LEWIS, JUN. C. H. SPURGEON. |