Memorial of the Most Reverend Father in God Thomas Cranmer, Sometime Lord Archbishop of Canterbury: Wherein the History of the Church, and Reformation of It, During the Primacy of the Said Archbishop, are Greatly Illustrated; and Many Singular Matters Relating Thereunto, Now First Published (1694.)Clarendon Press, 1812 - 1118 pages |
Table des matières
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Autres éditions - Tout afficher
Memorial of the Most Reverend Father in God Thomas Cranmer, Sometime Lord ... John Strype Affichage du livre entier - 1812 |
Memorial of the Most Reverend Father in God Thomas Cranmer, Sometime Lord ... John Strype Affichage du livre entier - 1812 |
Memorial of the Most Reverend Father in God Thomas Cranmer, Sometime Lord ... John Strype Aucun aperçu disponible - 2023 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
abuſes affifted againſt alfo alſo Anno anſwer Arch Archbi Archbishop Archbishop Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury becauſe Bible Biſhop of Rome Canterbury caufe cauſe CHAP Chrift church clergy command commiffary commiffion confcience confecrated Cotton library council court Cranmer Crumwel defired dioceſe divers doctrine Engliſh eſpecially facrament faid faith fame favour feemed fent fermon fhall fhew fhop firft firſt fome foon fuch fuffragan fuppofe fupremacy Gardiner God's Goſpel Grace hath herefy Highneſs himſelf hiſtory holy houſe King King's Lambeth laſt laws learned letter Lord Majefty marriage matter ment moft moſt muſt oath obferved occafion parliament perfons pleaſure Pope preached preachers prebendaries preſent prieſts publiſhed purpoſe Queen realm reaſon regiſter religion ſaid Sarum Scripture ſeems ſeen ſet ſhall ſhop ſhould ſome ſpeak ſuch Teftament thefe themſelves thereof theſe things thofe Thomas Thomas Cranmer thoſe tion tranſlation univerfity unto uſe vifitation wherein Wincheſter
Fréquemment cités
Page 558 - exhortation is, That, next unto God, you " obey your King and Queen willingly and gladly, without " murmur or grudging ; and not for fear of them only, but " much more for the fear of God: knowing that they be God's
Page 180 - I would you fhould well " underftand, that I account my Lord of Canterbury as " faithful a man towards me as ever was prelate in this " realm, and one to whom I am many ways beholden, by " the faith I owe unto God;
Page 92 - chamber, and, like a mad zealot, taking him by the hair of his head with both his hands, pulled him out of the bed, and whipped him unmercifully. And when the young man bore this beating, as he related, with a kind of joy, considering it was for
Page 91 - that could, bought the book, or bufily read it, or got others to read it to them, if they could not themfelves; and divers more elderly people learned to read on purpofe.
Page 558 - as much as in you lieth, and to hurt no man, no more " than you would hurt your own natural and loving brother
Page 127 - the trade of his parent's vocation ; and the gentleman's " children are meet to have the knowledge of government " and rule in the commonwealth. For we have,
Page 206 - God in his days. You are to reward virtue, to revenge fin, to juftify the innocent, to relieve the poor, to procure peace, to reprefs violence, and to execute juftice throughout your realms. For
Page 559 - truth which I thought in my heart, and writ for fear of
Page 189 - or know to be done or attempted, directly or indirectly, any thing or things privily or apertly to the let, hinderance, damage, or derogation of any of the