Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Volume 17Academic Press, 1973 |
Autres éditions - Tout afficher
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Volumes 52 à 53 American Nuclear Society Affichage d'extraits - 1958 |
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Volume 35 American Nuclear Society Affichage d'extraits - 1958 |
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Volumes 57 à 59 American Nuclear Society Affichage d'extraits - 1958 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
analysis application axial blanket bremsstrahlung burnup calculations cladding coefficient concentration containing control rod coolant core critical cross sections cycle density detector determined developed diffusion distribution dose rate dosimetry EBR-II effects electron energy environmental equations evaluation experimental experiments factor Fast Reactor fission products flow flux fuel element fuel pins fuel rods function fusion gamma gamma-ray geometry heat transfer helium irradiation isotopes Laboratory LMFBR loading located material measurements ment metal method Monte Carlo Multigroup National Lab neutron neutron flux niobium Nucl nuclear power Oak Ridge National obtained operating ORNL oxygen parameters particles peak pellets performed photon plasma plutonium predicted pressure problems radiation ratio reaction reactivity region samples shield simulated sodium spectrum Sponsor standard steel subassembly Table techniques temperature thermal tion Trans transient transport tritium tube uranium values vanadium void