The Herald of Peace, Volumes 2 à 3Hamilton, Adams, & Company, 1823 Includes the annual reports and proceedings of several peace societies. |
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Résultats 1-3 sur 72
Page 173
... heaven pro- claimed " peace on earth and good will towards men ! " It was peace which thou thyself didst preach and command , which thou didst bequeath to thy followers as their duty and solace across the waste , howling wil- derness of ...
... heaven pro- claimed " peace on earth and good will towards men ! " It was peace which thou thyself didst preach and command , which thou didst bequeath to thy followers as their duty and solace across the waste , howling wil- derness of ...
Page 158
... heaven ; and the same divine Teacher has guarded against so fatal an error , when he says , " Not every one that saith unto me , Lord , Lord , shall en- ter into the kingdom of heaven , but he that doth the will of my Father who is in ...
... heaven ; and the same divine Teacher has guarded against so fatal an error , when he says , " Not every one that saith unto me , Lord , Lord , shall en- ter into the kingdom of heaven , but he that doth the will of my Father who is in ...
Page 185
... heaven ; and in heaven there is the glory of God . War and misery are one . War sepa- rated the angels from God , and lost them heaven . War separated man from God , and lost him Paradise . War now sepa- rates us from Christ , and ...
... heaven ; and in heaven there is the glory of God . War and misery are one . War sepa- rated the angels from God , and lost them heaven . War separated man from God , and lost him Paradise . War now sepa- rates us from Christ , and ...
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Expressions et termes fréquents
appear arms attention Auxiliary Peace Society benevolence blessed blood called Captain Captain Cook cause character Chris Christ Christian colony command Committee conduct crime death defence Demerara divine duty earth effect endeavour enemies Evan Rees evil exertions extracts favour fear feel fight fire France French Friend of Peace friends of humanity give glory gospel happiness hath heart heaven Herald of Peace honour hope human influence Irenæus Israelites justice kill King kingdom labours Lord Madagascar Majesty's Government mankind means meet ment mind misery moral Mosaic law murder nations nature negroes object occasion opinion passions persons precepts present Prince profession promote racter received religion Report respect revenge Scriptures ship sion Slave Trade slavery Spain spirit suffer sword tain thee things thou Thras tian tion Tippoo Sultan Tracts truth unto virtue wars William Penn