The Emotions and the WillLongmans, Green, 1875 - 604 pages |
À l'intérieur du livre
Page 229
... Ask the swain Who journeys homeward from a summer - day's Long labour , why forgetful of his toils , And due repose , he loiters to behold The sunshine gleaming , as through amber clouds , O'er all the western sky ; full soon , I ween ...
... Ask the swain Who journeys homeward from a summer - day's Long labour , why forgetful of his toils , And due repose , he loiters to behold The sunshine gleaming , as through amber clouds , O'er all the western sky ; full soon , I ween ...
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Expressions et termes fréquents
accompanying action active active energy actual æsthetic agreeable amount Anger animal arise Aristotle associations belief cause character charm circumstances colour condition consciousness consideration constitution Crown 8vo degree delight discrimination distinct Dugald Stewart Edition effect element emotion energy enjoyment estimate evil excitement exercise exertion experience expression fact farther favour fear feeling force give gratification happiness Himera human idea ideal impressions impulses individual influence instance instinctive intel intellectual intensity interest John Stuart Mill John Tyndall knowledge manifestations means ment mental mind misery mode moral motive movements muscular nature nervous nexion object occasion operation organs original ourselves passion peculiar person physical pleasure or pain pleasures and pains present pursuit R. A. Proctor regards remark sensation sense sensibility sentiment side sion situation social society spontaneous stimulation strong sublime suffering superior supposed susceptibility sympathy tender terror things tically tion vidual volition voluntary voluntary control Woodcuts
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