a better life to come, we bless and magnify thy holy name. And grant, O Lord, that thy mercies. may be followed by our obedience; and that we may so walk in the light of thy favor, and in the paths of thy commandments, that living here to thy praise, we may at last be received to thyself, to rejoice for ever in thy presence; which we ask in the name, and as disciples, of him who died that we might live, through whom to thee be ascribed all thanksgiving and praise, both now and for ever. Amen. CONCLUDING PRAYER. ETERNAL and all-seeing God, we thy crea tures sink into nothing before thy supreme majesty; we feel our weakness; we acknowledge our folly; we repeatedly bewail our sins; thee only we adore with awful veneration; thee we would thank with fervent zeal; to thy power we humbly submit; of thy goodness we devoutly implore protection; on thy wisdom we firmly and cheerfully rely. Whenever we address thee, O Father, if our prayers are unwise, wilt thou pity us; if they are presumptuous, wilt thou pardon us; if acceptable to thee, grant them, all-powerful God; and as we now express our submission to thy decrees, adore thy providence, and bless thy. dispensations, so, in that future state, to which we reverently hope thy goodness will raise us, may we continue praising, venerating, worshipping thee, more and more, through worlds without number, and ages without end. Amen. ΤΗ THE grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all evermore. Amen. END OF THE SECOND FORM OF EVENING PRAYER. Though the Prayers and Thanksgivings which follow are intended for a variety of Occasions, yet the Minister is at liberty to introduce such Petitions of his own, as he may more perfectly adapt to the circumstances of the time, and of his Congregation. PRAYERS. GOD, who hast taught us at all times and in every condition to make our requests known unto thee; we offer up our humble supplications in behalf of thy servant, who is laboring under pain and sickness. Look down upon him with mercy, and let the consideration of thy goodness strengthen and comfort his soul in the time of affliction. We pray, with submission to thy wise providence, that thou wouldest be pleased to remove his disorder and restore him to health. Graciously prolong his days upon earth; and grant that his affliction may produce the fruit of righteousness to the honor of thy name. By the sadness of his countenance may his heart be made better; and may he live to manifest his thankfulness to thee his great preserver. [*But if this affliction should be unto death, may thy servant be prepared to give himself up into thy hands with Christian patience and fortitude, in joyful expectation of thy mercy unto eternal life. Give him unfeigned repentance for all his sins and a firm reliance on thy great mercies declared unto mankind by Jesus Christ our Lord. May the hope of thy favor support him in the hour of death; may he leave the world in peace; may he be received into thy heavenly kingdom, and made a partaker of that happiness which eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive.] O God, command thy blessing upon thy servant, even life evermore, through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Ο Amen. FOR A SICK CHILD. GOD, the fountain of all mercy, we offer up our humble prayers unto thee in behalf of the child, on whom thou hast seen fit to lay thine afflicting hand. We beseech thee, if it be thy will, to remove the disorder under which he labors, and restore him to health and strength. Suffer not the wishes of his parents to be disappointed, but in thy great mercy spare him to be the comfort and support of their advancing years, and to be useful in the world. But whatever thou * This is to be said when there is small hope of recovery. hast determined concerning him, thy will, O God, be done. Into thy hands we commit ourselves and all our enjoyments, and we humbly pray that, by all the dispensations of thy providence, we may be trained up for that world where pain, and sorrow, and death shall be known no more. Amen. FOR A PERSON IN AFFLICTION. MERCIFUL God and Heavenly Father, who hast taught us in thy holy word that thou dost not willingly afflict or grieve the children of men; look with pity, we beseech thee, upon the sorrows of thy servant for whom our prayers are desired. Remember him, O Lord, in mercy; sanctify to him thy fatherly correction; endue his soul with patience under his affliction, and with resignation to thy holy will. Comfort him with a sense of thy goodness; lift up the light of thy countenance upon him, and give him peace through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Or this. GOD, gracious and merciful, who bindest up the broken heart, and pitiest the sorrows of those who fear thee, fulfil to thy servant, for whom our prayers are now desired, the promises of thy word. Sanctify to him, we beseech thee, thy correcting hand. Suffer him not to faint under thy rebuke. Let not his faith fail, nor his fortitude be overcome, nor his patience nor his hope depart from him. Enlighten the darkness which covers him, by the cheering truths of religion. Let the |