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And when it seems good unto thy wisdom to visit us with trials and afflictions, may thy grace sanctify all our sorrows, and make them instrumental to our eternal benefit.

To thy grace and care we commend our friends and relations. We beseech thee to guard them from evil, and grant them all things convenient to them; and, when they shall have finished their appointed course on earth, to bring them to thine everlasting kingdom.

Bless the old and the young. May children be blessed in their parents, and parents in their children. Bless those who are coming on, and those who are in the midst of their work, and those who are passing away. Be thou the God and the Guide of all.

Let us go to rest, this night, secure in thy gracious protection. Let us rise, in the morning, prepared for the duties of the day. When we are called to sleep the sleep of death, may we fear no evil, but rejoice in the sure hope of a brighter morning, through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.

Then shall the whole Family say the Benediction, as in the preceding Service.


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BE graciously present with all who this day meet

to serve thee; bless the labors of all those who watch for souls; and give us all grace to hear with attention, to receive the word with meekness, and to serve the Lord with gladness. Teach us all things necessary to salvation; enable us to understand and remember the sacred truths delivered to us, with full purpose of living accordingly, that our conversation may be holy, and our end everlasting life.


WE thank thee for the morning light of this

day of rest, and for all the spiritual privileges May we have rest and reMay we read, and hear,

which it brings with it.

freshment to our souls.

and meditate, with profit, and lift up our hearts to thee in prayer and praise, with sincere devotion. And grant, most merciful God, that we may so improve all our sacred opportunities, that we fail not of a part in thine eternal rest, and in the hymns of angels and blessed spirits in the world to come.


GLORY be to thy name for the especial blessings which this sacred day has brought to us. Pardon us, if in any manner we have abused its privileges. Cause the truths which we have heard to sink deep into our hearts, and bring forth in us the fruits of a holy and religious life, a peaceful and blessed death, and a glorious resurrection.


BLESSED be God, the God and Father of our

Lord Jesus Christ, who hath vouchsafed to us the rest and the instruction of this Christian Sabbath. Blessed be God for the means of happiness and improvement which have been offered this day to us and our fellow Christians. Make us mindful, we pray thee, of our duty; that, as we often hear how we ought to walk and to please God, we may continue to do so unto our lives' end.


UR Heavenly Father, we beseech thee to be a Father to our children. Take them into the arms of thy love. Strengthen them in the path of duty, and when they fall, raise them up again. Wherever they are, or may go, there be thou with them. Guide them; teach them; defend, pardon, and save them.


WE humbly and earnestly look to thee, O God,

for a blessing, a plenteous blessing, on our dear children. Grant them thy best gifts. Grant them health, and strength, and understanding. Grant them, above all, virtue, holiness, good dispositions, the knowledge and love of thee, and of thy Son Jesus Christ. Help us to do all our duty to them, and help them to do their duty to us. Lead them and guard them through life; be with them in death; and grant that we may all meet together at last in the House of our Heavenly Father.


ALMIGHTY God, fountain of all goodness and

all excellency; extend thine abundant favor and loving-kindness to our friends. Reward them for all the good which from thy merciful providence they have conveyed unto us. Let the light of thy countenance shine upon them, and never let them come into any affliction or sadness, but such as may be an instrument of thy glory, and their eternal comfort. Forgive them all their sins. Preserve them from spiritual dangers. Give supply to all their needs; guarding their persons; sanctifying their hearts; and leading them in the way of righteousness, by the waters of comfort, to the land of eternal rest and glory.


LORD, graciously accept our prayers for all our kindred and friends. To those who are

afflicted, give comfort and deliverance; to those who prosper, humility and temperance. Bless the sick with health; and keep the healthy from sickness. To all grant thy grace, O God, and show thy mercy. Let love bind us one to another, and religion knit us all to thee; that, however we suffer or scatter on earth, we may live and be in joy together, in the felicity of Heaven.


THOU who art everywherė present, and every

where and always the same merciful and protecting God, protect us, we beseech thee, in the house and by the way. Save us from danger, from violence, and from sickness. May our way be pleasant to our feet, and improving to our minds and souls. Grant to us a safe arrival at home. Bless and protect those whom we have left behind us. After the journey of life is over, grant that we may all arrive safely in that blessed country, where there is no weariness, nor peril, nor parting.


THOU who art the confidence of those who

are abroad upon the sea, protect us, we beseech thee, in this our voyage, and preserve us from all its dangers. But especially grant unto us a sure and steadfast trust in thee. Whatever changes may come over the deep, and whatever foes or perils we may encounter, let us know and feel that thou art near us, and that no real evil can befall us while we are with thee. Bring us to our desired haven,

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