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MANY truly great and learned men, of the

Church of England, as well divines as laymen, have earnestly wished to see their Liturgy reformed; but hitherto all attempts to reform it have proved ineffectual. The late happy revolution here hath forever separated all the Episcopal Societies in the United States of America from the Church of England, of which the King of that country is the supreme head, to whomt all Archbishops, Bishops, Priests, and Deacons of that Church are obliged to take an oath of allegiance and supremacy, at the time of their consecration or ordination. Being torn from that King and Church, the Society for whose use this Liturgy is published, think themselves at liberty, and well justified even by the declarations of the Church of England, in making such alterations as "the exigency of the times and occasions hath rendered expedient," and in expunging everything which gave, or might be suspected to give, offence to tender consciences; guiding themselves, however, by "the holy Scriptures, which," they heartily agree with the Church

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