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the Elements of Antichriftianism are no where more plainly and fully laid down than by this unhappy Writer in that Book. And indeed I cannot but be of the Opinion, from the Manner of the Performance of this celebrated Piece of his, that he may well deserve for it to be accounted one of the Prophets and Forerunners of Antichrift: and that when this grand Leviathan shall arife in the World, whose Arm is his God; and shall establish his Kingdom, by lifting up the Banner of Maozzim, in Opposition to that of the Cross of Christ, and make his Name and Image to be adored by most of the Inhabitants of the Earth; he will be so far from seeming to favour Superftition and Idolatry, that under the Pretence of driving them out of the World, he will labour to banish all Senfe of Religion, and especially to expose the whole Chriftian Revelation to the utmoft Scorn and Contempt. There cannot, I think, be a more certain Characteristick of Antichrift than this: and the Advances that have been made within our Memory, and daily are making, by the Apostles of Satan, for bringing about this End, are fo Notorious to all; as no more need be faid to justifie the Design of a Treatise which is to promote a fair Examination of the various Phænomena and Signs which now every where appear, and to awaken all Sober-Thinkers carefully to watch against the Evils of the Last Times, and efpecially against that Antichriftian Leaven which is working powerfully in the Children of Difobedience and Infidelity at this Day, who


who are employed to prepare the Way of Antichrift the Great, and to fill up the Mysteby of Iniquity.


I cannot better conclude than with the Vords of a Great Prince, under the afflicting Iand of God, which were written about wenty Years fince, to one of the principal Lords of his Court.

"BE not insensible of the Plagues with which God is afflicting the greatest Part of Europe: WAR, FAMINE, PESTILENCE, lay all things Waste; and these Chastisements give us to understand, that there is a just Judge Above, who governeth the World, and whom we ought to fear. And what this Penitent King then said to that ireat Lord his Friend, having pretty feerely chid him for his Indifference in Reliion, and his frequenting of Balls, Opera's, nd other Diversions and Amusements, may Low be faid to every one that shall read hese Sheets, or reflect on the Face of these Times, Be not you the Last that shall profit by bele wholesom Marnings of Heaven.

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A Word in Season.

HE Author is not insensible that the

TPublication of fuch a Treatise as this

at a Time when the SWORD (the first of Evils here treated of) is now ready to be sheathed in these Parts of the World where it hath so long and so cruelly ravaged, will be judged by a great many very Unseasonable. And so indeed it would be, were but the Minds of People disposed to receive the Bleffings of Peace: or could they be brought to understand and confider their true Interest: which cannot be expected without strictly pursuing the Methods of Justice, without either Favour for or Prejudice against Any Person or Party whatsoever, and by closely adhering to the immutable Standard of God's Everlasting Truth, without which no Establishment of Man can long stand. No doubt had we lived in Nineveh in the Days of Jonah, or in Babylon in the Days of Daniel, there are great Numbers among us that would have thought the Preaching of the former and the Interpretation of the latter not more Seafonable than This now is. But Nineveh was reprieved from its impending Ruin by Attention to the One: and Babylon which repented not perished with its King and fo must Spiritual Babylon likewife with her King, and all that drink out of her Cup except they repent.




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