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Printed for S. Smith, and B. Walford, at the Prince's Arms in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1707.

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This Sermon is taken out of the Second Volume of Dr. Lucas's Sermons, and at the Defire of fome

Perfons reprinted by it




The Influence of Converfation, with the Regulation thereof.


Prov. XIII. 20.

He that walketh with wife Men fhail be wife, but a Companion of Ecols shall be destroyed.


Onverfation has ever juftly been accounted a powerful Inftrument of Good or Evil ; it has ever had a mighty Influence on the Conduct of Human Life; and the Vice and Vertue of the World, has ever in a great measure been owing to it. The Regulation therefore of it did in all Ages demand the utmost Prudence and Caution, but furely in none more than in this of ours: A 2 Now,

Now, if ever, it is neceflary for us to exhort all that have a concern for their own Souls, to fhun the way of the Sinner, and refrain their Feet from the Path of the Wicked. Now, if ever 'tis neceflary for us to exhort all that fear the Lord, to unite and combine themfelves for the defence of his Honour, for the Security of their own Souls, and if it be possible for the giving a Check to Sin, and propagating Holiness, in this impious Generation; for now the number and confidence of Sinners increasesdaily; Atheism and Prophanenefs fpread like a Leprofy; there is nothing in Example, nothing in Difcourfe, that fpeaks us Christians we feem to have quitted, not only the Morals, but the Principles of the Gospel, and have degenerated fo far from the Modefty, Purity, Sanctity and Dignity of Chriftian Conversation, that the leaft Air of Serioufnefs and Gravity, begins to look fingular and unfashionable: fo that what is worst of all, whilst the Wicked publish their Sin as Sodom, and hide it not, Religion feems


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to want Affurance, to distrust its own Caufe, and to be in a manner out of Countenance every where, but in the Clofet and the Temple; and we are in danger in a little while to fee Men more ashamed of Vertue, than of Vice. These are the Reflections which determine me to this Subject. There is nothing obfcure in the Text; I am only to mind you, that Wisdom and Goodnefs, Folly and Sin, are Terms equivalent in the Language of the Scripture, and particularly of this Book of Proverbs and that to make up the Antithefis or Oppofition, between the two Parts of this Verfe entire and full, we must read it thus; He that keeps Company with the vertuous and good, will himself be vertuous and happy but he that keeps Company with the vicious, will be vicious and miferable. The Text then contains thefe two Propofitions.


I. That Men generally become fuch as the Company they keep.

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