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" And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. "
Strictures on some parts of the Oxford tract system, especially as it is ... - Page 224
de John Henry Browne - 1840 - 80 pages
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An Essay on the Revelation of Saint John: So Far as Concerns the Past and ...

William Whiston - 1706 - 406 pages of the feven, and goeth into perdition. II. And the tenhorns which thoufaweß, aretenkfngs, which 'have received no kingdom as yet ; but receive power as kings one 4юнг with the beafl. ij . Theje have one mind, and [hall give their power andftrength unto the B...
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An abstract of the historical part of the Old Testament [by E ..., Volume 2

Edward Harley - 1735 - 798 pages
...the feven, and goeth into Perdition. jz. And the TEN HORNS which thou faweft, are TEH KINGS, which have received no Kingdom as yet; but receive Power as Kings one Hour with the Beaft. 14. Thefe fhall make War with the LAMB, and the LAMB fhall overcome them : for he is Lord of...
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The confession of faith, the larger and shorter catechisms, with the ...

Assembly of divines confess. and catech - 1765 - 626 pages
...chief men to go up with me. Rev.xvii. 12. And the ten horns which thou fa weft, are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beaft. v. io.Andthe ten horns which thou fawcft upon the beaft, thefc ihall hate die whore, and fhall...
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Dissertations on the Prophecies, which Have Remarkably Been ..., Volume 3

Thomas Newton (bp. of Bristol.) - 1766 - 518 pages
...of the feven, and goeth into perdition. 12 And the ten horns which thou faweft, are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beaft. 13 Thefe have one mind, and {hall give their power and ftrength unto the beaft. 14 Thefe fhall...
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An Essay on Some Important Passages of the Revelation of the Apostle John ...

Lauchlan Taylor - 1770 - 268 pages
...chapter, 1 2th verfe : "And the ten horns " which thou faweft, are ten kings which have re" ceived no kingdom as yet, but receive power as " kings one hour with the beaft *." . Seeing then, that thefe ten kingly governments had not exifted in the Roman empire, before...
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Illustrations of Prophecy: in the Course of which are Elucidated Many ...

Joseph Lomas Towers - 1796 - 514 pages
...indeed, but clearly. And the angel faid unto me— the Ten Harns which thou J'aweJl are Ten Kings, which have received no kingdom as yet ; but receive power as kings one hour with the BeaJl. Thefe have one mind, and Jhall give their power and Jlrength unto the Beaft. Thefe Jhall make...
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The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: Translated Out of ...

1802 - 374 pages
...of the seven, and goeth into perdition. 1 2 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings; which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. 1 3 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength onto the beast. 14 These shall make...
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A Key to the Prophecies of the Old & New Testaments: Which are Not Yet ...

Alexander Fraser - 1802 - 498 pages
...interpreter, chap. xvii. 12. " And the ten horns which " thou faweft, are ten kings, which have re" ceived no kingdom as yet ; but receive power •' as kings one hour with the beaft." He intimates that the Roman empire Hiould not be followed by another univerfal monarchy, according...
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A Key to the Prophecies of the Old & New Testaments: Which are Not Yet ...

Alexander Fraser - 1802 - 498 pages
...angel interpreter, chap.- Xvii. 12, 13. 17. " The ten horns which thoufaweft are tenkings, " which have received- no kingdom as yet, but " receive power as kings one hour (at 'the fame " time) with the beaft. Thefe have one mind, " (the fame mind) and fhall give their firength...
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Dissertations on the Prophecies which Have Remarkably Been ..., Volume 2

Thomas Newton - 1803 - 490 pages
...the feven, and goeth into perdition. 1£ And the ten horns which thotl faweft, are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet ; but receive power as kings one hour with the beaft. 13 Thefe have one mind, and ihall give their • power and ftrength unto the bcaft. 14 Thefe...
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