| Richard Alleine - 1852 - 402 pages
...pleads J with himself in his affliction: "Will the Lord cast off for ever, and will he be favorable no more ? Is his mercy clean gone for ever ; doth...gracious ; hath he in anger shut up his tender mercies ?" Psa. 77 : 7-9. That men should be merciless, that men should forget their friends in their low estate,... | |
 | William Assheton - 1706 - 440 pages
...me, thy Comforts, Lord, delight my Soul. Pfel. 94. 19. Will the Lordcafl off for ever ? and win he le favourable no more > Is his Mercy clean gone for ever ? doth his promife fail for evermore > Hath Hath God forgotten to be gracieus ? hath he in anger Jhitt up bis... | |
 | Sir William Dawes - 1707 - 520 pages
...are thefe which follow. My fpirit Jhall not always ftrive with man, Genef 6- 3. Will the Lord caft off for ever, and 'will he be favourable no more ? Is his mercy clear gone for ever ? doth his promije fail for evermore ? Hath God forgotten to be gracious ? Hath... | |
 | Charles Drelincourt - 1721 - 540 pages
...feizeth upon ciir' Souls; therefore we may complain and cry out as Da•uidy Will the Lord cafi me off" for ever, and will he be favourable no more? Is his Mercy clear gone for ever? Doth his Promife fail for evermore ? Hath God forgotten id be gracious? Hath he... | |
 | Daniel Wilcox - 1744 - 462 pages
...diftrefled cafe how earneftly doth he plead, Pfalm Ixxvii. 7, 8, 9. Will the Lord caft off for ever ? Will he be favourable no more ? Is his mercy clean gone for ever ? Doth his promife fail for evermore ? Hath God forgotten to be gracious ? This is not a new, though a difficult... | |
 | William Mason - 1765 - 526 pages
...were, giving up the ghost, and with languid, faint accents breathes, " Will the Lord cast off for ever? will he be favourable no more ? is his mercy clean...? hath he, in anger, shut up his tender mercies?" So that you see, 0 tossed, tempted, tried believer, this is the way saints in all ages have gone to... | |
 | Titus Knight - 1766 - 478 pages
...complains in a time of darknefs, and when his graces were at an ebbtide, as it were. " Will the Lord caft off for " ever, and will he be favourable no more ? Is " his 301 SERMON XL ** his mercy clean gone for ever ? Doth his " mife tail tor evermore ? Hath God forgotten?... | |
 | Thomas Gibbons - 1767 - 532 pages
...far from helping me, and " from the words of my roaring?'1 So Pfalm Ixxvii. 7, « Will the LORD caft off for ever ? " and will he be favourable no more ? Is his " mercy clean gone for ever ? Doth his promife 31 fail for evermore ? Hath. GOD forgotten to be •" gracious ? Hath he in anger fhut up his... | |
 | John WITHERSPOON (President of Princeton College.), William Shenstone - 1768 - 342 pages
...night; I commune with mine own heart, and my • fpirit made diligent fearch. Will the Lord caft • off for ever ? and will he be favourable no ' more ? Is his mercy clean gone for ever ? Doth • his promife fail for evermore ? Hath God for' gotten to be gracious ? hath he in anger fliut • up his... | |
 | Church of Scotland - 1768 - 576 pages
...and «¡Übe be favourable no more ? v. 8. I«»1 mercy clean gone for етег ? doth his promife fail for evermore. *• "• Hath God forgotten to be gracious . hath he in anger Ihut np his tender henGon of the want of it b, and unfeignedly deiires to be found in Chrift c, and... | |
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