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" Is the law then against the promises of God ? God forbid : for if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the law. "
Familiar Letters to a Gentleman: Upon a Variety of Seasonable and Important ... - Page 206
de Jonathan Dickinson - 1784 - 390 pages
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Eighteen Sermons Preached in Oxford 1640: Of Conversion, Unto ..., Numéro 1940

James Ussher, Joseph Crabb - 1660 - 424 pages
...eottfnejje that is in a man < and therer fore in Gal. 3.21. they are put for one and the fame thing: For if there had been A LAW given which could have given life , verily rigbteoufneffe had been -bj the Law-, thatis, juftification had been by the Law. Again> if righteoufaffe...
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The Whole Works of the Most Rev. James Ussher...: With a Life of the Author...

James Ussher - 1660 - 628 pages ? And therefore in Galatians, chap. III. ver. 21. they are put for one and the same thing : " For if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness had been by the law ;" that is, justification had been by the law. Again, " Ifz righteousness...
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Sermons preach'd before the University of Oxford: or before the ..., Volume 1

Edward Maynard - 1722 - 434 pages
...Juftify'd Men before God, there had then been no Need of the Gofpel. So the Apoftle reafons, Gal. iii. 21. If there had been a Law given, which could have given Life, verily Righteoufnefs had been by the Law :—~—And, if the Fir ft C0-He&- viiL venant had been faultlefs, or Perfeft,...
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An help for the right understanding of the several divine laws and covenants ...

Edward Wells - 1729 - 274 pages
...verily Rtghteoufnejs Jhould have been by the Law. Where it is manifcft, that thefc two Expreflions, If there had been a Law given which could have given Life, and, If the Inheritance be of the Law, are uled by St Paul as Equivalent ; and therefore to give Life...
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Moral reflections on select passages of the New Testament, by the ..., Volume 2

William Darrell - 1736 - 340 pages, but God is one. 21. /; the law then againft the promifes of God ? God forbid : for if there hid been a law given which could have given life, verily righteoufnefs Jhould have been by the law. 22. But the fcripture hath concluded all under fin, that the promiJ'e by faith of Jcfus ChriJl might...
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Sermons on Several Subjects

John Fisher - 1741 - 352 pages
...nor give us any Promife of eternal Life upon our Performance. (For, as the Apoftle fays, if there bad been a Law given, which could have given Life, verily Righteoufnefs Jhould have been by the Law.} It being thus a Covenant of Works enjoining fIricT: Obedience, and there SERM. there being no Hopes...
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Sermons on several subjects. [Edited by Mrs. S. Fisher.]

John FISHER (A.M., Vicar of St. Lawrence, Exeter.) - 1741 - 358 pages perform, nor give us any Promife of eternal Life upon our Performance. (For, as the Apoftle fays, if there had been a Law given, which could have given Life, verily Righteoufnefi Jkould have been by the Law.} It being thus a Covenant of Works enjoining ftrict Obedience,...
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The Certain Efficacy of the Death of Christ, Asserted: Or, the Necessity ...

John Brine - 1743 - 520 pages
...Apoftle's Time, he had not the Pkafure of an Acquaintance with it, this is evident from his own Words : If there had been a Law given, which could have given Life, verily Righteoufnefs would have been by the Law (/&). The Reafoning in which Text, (as the Apoftle's every where is) is...
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The Philosophical and Theological Works of ...

John Hutchinson - 1749 - 524 pages
...Cbrtft fiall all be made alive, z Cor. v. 4. that Mortality might be /wallowed up of Life. Gal. iii. 21. If there had been a Law given which could have given...verily Righteoufnefs Jhould have been by the Law. Bw/ 2 Tim. i. 10. Who hath abolijhed Death, and brought Life and Immortality to light by the Gofpel....
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Sermons on Various Subjects: With a Prefatory Discourse on Mistakes ...

Thomas Hartley - 1754 - 456 pages
...Obedience, becaufe of the Weaknefs of the Flefh in its State of natural Corruption : If Gal.ui.2i. there had been a Law given which could have given Life, verily Right eoufnefs foould have been by the Law. And now we are led to that wonderful Myftery of our Redemption,...
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