"As may with Sweetness, through mine Ear, "Diffolve me into Extafies, "And bring all Heav'n before mine Eyes.". Milton. "Mufic religious Heats inspires; "It wakes the Soul, and lifts it high, "And wings it with fublime Defires, " And fits it to bespeak the Deity. "Th' Almighty liftens to a tuneful Tongue, "Andseemswell-pleas'dand courtedwitha Song. "Soft moving Sounds and heav'nly Airs "Give force to ev'ry Word, and recommend [ our Pray'rs. "When Time itself shall be no more, "And all Things in Confufion hurl'd, "Music shall then exert its Pow'r, "And Sound survive the Ruins of the World: "Then Saints and Angels shall agree " In one eternal Jubilee: "All Heav'nshallechowith theirHymnsdivine, "And God himself with Pleasure fee "The whole Creation in a Chorus join." Addifon All there pleasing Testimonies in Favour of divine Harmony are exceedingly strong. If they will not remove the Scruples of serious, and candid, and well-meaning Chrifti ans ans, of every Denomination, Nothing that I can farther urge will be attended with that happy Effect. These, it will be faid, are small Matters. I grant it. If therefore we cannot agree in them, let us at least agree to disagree; and let us allow every one the Liberty of judging and acting, as he finds most for his own Edification; and let us love and do good one to another notwithstanding. For now we fee through a Glass darkly; but by and by Face to Face; now we know in Part; but e're long we shall know even as also we are known. Then shall all our little filly Differences be adjusted, and we shall agree to love one another with pure Hearts fervently, and to sing the Praises of God and the Lamb together, with united and harmonious Voices, to all Eternity. DAVID SIMPSON. |