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After the Paschal time.

Anth. Have mercy on Ant. Miserere mei Domine, & exaudi oratio

me, O Lord, and hear my

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Regnans per omne sæculum. Amen.


HOU, O Lord,

Jer. xi.

art amongst us, and thy holy

name hath been called upon us; forsake us not, Lord our God.

R. Thanks be to God. R. Deo gratias.

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Anth. Save us.

TOW dost thou dis



Lord, according to thy word, in peace.

Since my eyes have seen* thy promised salvation;

Which thou hast now prepared, * to shew unto all nations.

A light to enlighten the Gentiles; *and the glory of thy people Israel.

Anth. Save us, O Lord, waking, and guard us sleeping, that we may watch with Christ, and rest in peace.

Luke ii.

Ant. Salva nos.

tuum, Domine,* secundum verbum tuum, in pace.

Quia viderunt oculi mei, * salutare tuum; Quod parasti, *ante faciem omnium populorum.

Lumen ad revelationem Gentium;* & gloriam plebis tuæ Israel.

Ant. Salva nos, Domine, vigilantes, custodi nos dormientes, ut vigilemus cum Christo, & requiescamus in pace.

In the Paschal time is added: Alleluia. The following prayers are always said, except on Doubles, and within octaves.


cy on us.

ORD have mercy on us. Christ have merLord have mercy on us. Our Father. In Secret. V. And lead us not into temptation. R. But deliver us from evil. I believe in God. In Secret. V. The resurrection of the flesh. R. And life everlasting, Amen. V. Blessed art thou, O Lord, the God of our forefathers. R. Thou art worthy of praise and glory for ever. V. Let us bless the Father and the Son, with the Holy Ghost. R. Let us praise, and extol him for ever. V. Thou art

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cret. V. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem. R. Sed libera nos a malo. Credo in Deum. In Secret. Carnis resurrectionem. R. Et vitam æternam. Amen. V. Benedictus es, Domine. Deus Patrum nostrorum, R. Et laudabilis & gloriosus in sæcula. V. Benedicamus Patrem, & Filium, cum Sancto Spiritu. R. Laudemus, & superexaltemus eum in sæcula. V. Benedictus es, Domine, in firmamento cæli. R. Et lau

blessed, O Lord, in the heavens above. R. Thou art worthy of praise, and glory, and honour for ever. V. May the Almighty and merciful Lord, bless and preserve us. R. Amen. V. Vouchsafe, O Lord, this night. R. To preserve us from all sin. V. Have mercy on us, O Lord. R. Have mercy on us. V. May thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us. R. According to the trust we have put in thee. V. O Lord hear my prayer. R. And let my cry come unto thee. V. May the Lord be with you. R. And with thy spirit.


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Let us pray. Visita.


ISIT we beseech thee, O Lord, this abode, and drive far from it all the snares of the enemy; may thy holy angels abide therein to preserve us in peace; and may thy blessing be always on us. Thro'

V. May the Lord, &c.

R. And with, &c.

V. Dominus, &c. R. Et cum, &c.

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MAY the almighty and merciful Lord, the Father,


Son, and Holy Ghost, bless and preserve us.

Then is said one of the following Anthems : From Easter-Eve till Trinity-Sunday exclusively.


RIUMPH, O Queen of heav'n to see, Alleluia,

The sacred infant born of thee, Alleluia,


EGINA cœli lætare, Alleluia,

Quia quem meruisti portare, Alleluia.

Return in glory from the tomb, Alleluia,

And with thy prayers prevent our doom, Alleluia.

V. Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, Alleluia. R. For the Lord is truly risen, Alleluia.

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Resurrexit, sicut dixit,

Ora pro nobis Deum,

V. Gaude et lætare, Virgo Maria, Alleluia. R. Quia surrexit Dominus vere, Alleluia.

Let us pray. Deus, qui per resurrectionem. GOD, who, by the resurrection of thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ, hast been pleased to fill the world with joy, grant, we beseech thee, that, by the intercession of the Virgin Mary his Mother, we may receive the joys of eternal life. Thro' the same Jesus Christ our Lord. R. Amen.



AIL happy Queen,
thou mercy's Parent


Life, hope, and comfort of this earthly vale.§

To thee Eve's wretched children raise their cry, In sighs and tears to thee we suppliants fly. Rise, glorious Advocate, exert thy love, And let our vows those eyes of pity move. O sweet! O pious maid! for us obtain,

For us, who long have in our exile lain,

To see thy infant Jesus, and

with him to reign. V. Pray for us, O holy


ALVE Regina, Mater misericordiæ, vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra, salve ! Ad te clamamus exules filii Evæ. Ed te suspiramus gementes et flentes in hac lacrymarum valle. Ejaergo Advocata nostra, illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos converte; et Jesum benedictum fructum ventris tui nobis post hoc exilium ostende: O Clemens, O Pia, O Dulcis Virgo Maria.

V. Ora pro nobis, sanc

Mother of God. R. That ta Dei genitrix. R. Ut

§ Jesus Christ alone can be strictly called the life, hope, and comfort of Christians. When therefore these and the like expressions are applied to the B. Virgin, they are to be taken in a limited sense, and relative to her quality of being the Patroness and Advocate of the unhappy children of Eve with Jesus Christ her Son.




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