ance in this quarter is a sufficient excuse for their doing so little, they cannot, at the same time, but feel sensible, that were the cause supported, as, they presume to say, it should-be, by this class of individuals, they could certainly do much more. It appears that upwards of 2,500 tracts, including The Herald of Peace, have been distributed in this city and neighbourhood during the past year. Within the last few weeks your Committee have obtained permission to place the publications of this Society on board the steam-packets; thus throwing them in the way of many, who might never, otherwise, have the subject brought before them. Of this permission they have availed themselves, and seven sets of tracts in stiff covers are now to be found in the cabins of the Irish steam-packets. Your Committee have not attempted any argumentative defence of the general principles of this Society; the many able works which have been written, together with the powerful addresses which have been delivered at meetings of this description, as well from the pulpits as the platforms, both in this city and elsewhere, rendering their doing so, at the present time, unnecessary. They would, however, earnestly exhort their Christian friends to be unceasingly zealous in promoting this holy cause. On such, especially, as, in the providence of God, are appointed the natural or deputed guardians of youth, they would urge, by every argument in their power, the importance of constantly impressing on the minds of those intrusted to their care, the positive duty, and real advantage, of cultivating peaceable dispositions. Teach them this lesson, Christian friends, in the nursery, -not merely by withholding those miniature representations of warlike instruments, too commonly found among the playthings of children, but by endeavouring to repress angry feelings and childish squabbles- childish as to their object, but not in their nature; as they originate in the same evil dispositions, which, in mature age, give impulse to the murderous knife, and load the pistol of the duellist. Teach them this lesson in the school-room and the play-ground: - strive to reconcile jarring, and to subdue contending feelings, occasioned by rival talents and superior attainments: discountenance all those trials of courage, falsely so called, which too often make the hours intended for relaxation and amusement, occasions for the display of ruffian violence and savage brutality. Let not the terms " lad of mettle," or "boy of spirit," sometimes used as expressions of praise on such occasions, ever sully the mouth of a Christian parent or instructor. Too long have such scenes, and such epithets, disgraced our public seminaries, and left no room to wonder, that so many of those usually termed gentlemen, are to be found among the patrons of the cock-fight and the prize-ring. And as increasing years lead to more settled principles and decided conduct, continue to show your children, by your own example, the beauty of peace, as it regards every situation of life. " Ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath," in any way. Avoid putting into their hands any work, however attractive its style, or however scriptural its sentiments on other points, if, as is too frequently the case, it represents war, in any shape, to be compatible with the vital reception of the religion of Christ; as being consistent with a heart influenced by "the fruits of the Spirit, which are these, love, joy, peace, meekness, and gentleness;" -or describes it as the lawful calling of one who professes to have "put on, as the elect of God, bowels of mercies, humbleness of mind, longsuffering,-forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any have a quarrel against any." And, in conclusion, your Committee would earnestly pray for themselves and the Christian church in general, that they may remember the religion of Christ is no empty name, or mere party distinction; and that nothing less than the possession of that "mind which was also in Christ Jesus," constitutes real vital godli ness. May the language of the last Resolution adopted at the Meeting of the American Peace Society before noticed, be ours, namely, "That we will persevere in our efforts to disseminate information respecting the evils of war, and the duty of Christians in relation to it, till death shall close our career, or the Millennium shall remove all doubts, and occasion for further exertions." "The time is short." A few passing years, and this world, with its varied and contending interests, must have an end. The false glosses of human philosophy, and the specious reasonings of carnal wisdom, which are now found too often to blind the eyes of God's people, making darkness appear light, and evil good, will then for ever vanish before the pure light of unadulterated truth. The opposing feelings, and discordant opinions, which render this present state of existence a scene of confusion and strife, nay, a field of blood, will never more be known: uninterrupted harmony and peace will then fill every part of God's creation. "The ox and the lion will feed together, and the leopard will lie down with the kid." There will be truly "one fold under one Shepherd," "one faith, one Lord," and "his name one;"--one desire to praise and glorify "the Prince of Peace," who will then have universal dominion ;-and one feeling of unmingled love and affection towards all the inhabitants of the earth. Surely, I come quickly;" Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus." Amen. 66 Eleventh Annual Report of the Bath Auxiliary Peace Society. Ar the Eleventh Anniversary Meeting of the Bath Auxiliary Peace Society, holden at the Friends' Meeting-house, November 25th, 1831, Mr. JOSEPH PEARSON in the chair, The Report of the Committee was presented to the Chairman; who requested the Secretary to read it. The audited account was next read. The following Resolutions were then unanimously adopted : Moved by the Rev. Joseph Dear, and seconded by Mr. James Deare, 1. That the Report of the Committee, and Audited Account, which have been now read, be printed and distributed under the direction of the Committee. Moved by Mr. William Hunt, and seconded by Mr. Thomas Langdon, 2. That this Meeting hears with pleasure of the formation of new Auxiliary Societies at Coggeshall, and at Hull; and tender their cordial thanks to the Rev. James Hargreaves, through whose zealous and disinterested exertions the latter Society was instituted. And this Meeting would much rejoice if the funds of the Parent Society could be so replenished, by new and liberal subscriptions, as to enable its Committee occasionally to send out talented emissaries, either to visit Auxiliaries already formed, or, as in the instance of Mr. Hargreaves, to diffuse the knowledge, and extend the principle of the Peace Society, in quarters where it is as yet but partially known, and, by consequence, but little recognised. Moved by Mr. William Metford, and seconded by the Rev. Philip Cater, 3. That this Meeting hails with peculiar satisfaction the commencement of the publication by the Parent Committee of a series of small tracts, calculated for distribution among the humbler classes of the community. Moved by the Rev. O. Clarke, and seconded by Mr. Hancock, 4. That this Meeting rejoices in the progress of the cause of peace in the United States of America, where ten new Auxiliaries have been formed in the past year: and is no less gratified by the interesting fact, that a Peace Society has been established at Geneva, the first that has been instituted upon the continent of Europe. Moved by the Rev. Joseph Dear, and seconded by Mr. Smith, 5. That the thanks of this Meeting be given to the Treasurer and to the Secretary, for their services during the past year; and that they be requested to continue their services for the ensuing year. Also, that the thanks of this Meeting be given to the Committee, for their exertions in promoting the objects of the Society, and for the Report now read; and that the following gentlemen be the Committee for the ensuing year, with power to add to their number: a guarantee for the sincerity of those who have espoused its interests, should, at the same time, serve to moderate the expectations of its friends on occasions like the present. In the course of the last year, two new Auxiliaries have been instituted; the one at Coggeshall, the other at Hull; both of which promise to be highly efficient. The formation of the Hull Auxiliary was one of the fruits of the zealous exertions of the Rev. James Hargreaves, Home Secretary of the London Peace Society; who, in a journey which he lately took into the North, undertook to advocate the principle of the Society, wherever public meetings in its behalf could be obtained. Your Committee also learn from the last Number of The Herald of Peace, that Mr. Hargreaves had a public meeting likewise at Leeds, and that he also advocated the cause of peace, from the pulpit, at Bradford: at both of which places Provisional Committees were appointed, with an eye to the ultimate establishment of Auxiliary Societies. It seems that Mr. Hargreaves proceeded from Yorkshire to Lancashire, where the last accounts left him. Your Committee expect that the members of this Auxiliary will cordially participate in the feeling of respect which they entertain towards the Rev. Gentleman for his zealous and disinterested exertions in this instanceexertions which they ardently hope may be followed by the most gratifying results. Your Committee would much rejoice if the funds of the Parent Society could be so replenished, by new and liberal subscriptions, as to enable its Committee occasionally to send out talented emissaries, either to visit Auxiliaries already formed, or, as in the instance of Mr. Hargreaves, to diffuse the knowledge, and extend the principle of the Peace Society, in quarters where it is as yet but partially known, and, by consequence, but little recognised. Your Committee hail, with peculiar satisfaction, the commencement of the publication, by the Parent Committee, of a series of small tracts, calculated for distribution among young people and the humbler grades of society. This, in the opinion of your Committee, had long been a desideratum. The deficiency, however, promises to be most judiciously supplied. The specimens which have been already produced are admirably calculated for the end proposed: the subjects being necessarily short, well chosen, and entertaining; and, to complete their attractiveness, the tracts are "adorned with cuts." Your Committee anticipate much from their distribution. And here your Committee would beg to observe, that the plan noticed in the last Annual Report of this Auxiliary, of putting the tracts of the Society into circulation among the teachers and scholars of the Bath Sunday-School Union, has been acted on throughout the past year; and your Committee have reason to hope that by this means a conviction of the unlawfulness of war has been produced in many a young mind. Your Committee intend to follow up their plan of operations in this respect by an extended distribution, among the scholars, of the small tracts just adverted to. In this connexion, your Committee recommend to the subscribers to endeavour to prevail on masters of schools to allow the Society's tracts to be introduced into their seminaries. The Committee the Birmingham Auxiliary, in their Third Annual Report, say, -" It would be difficult to estimate the benefit which might result from wellorganized exertions of this kind. If the Peace Society, through its Auxiliaries and their active members, could thus diffuse their principles, the leaven thus introduced into the minds of the rising generation might sensibly influence their future conduct; and, as far as the labour of of your Committee has enabled them to judge, there would be a readiness on the part of schoolmasters to second such exertions." In their last Report, your Committee had the pleasure of stating that the Rev. O. Clarke, Baptist Minister, of this city, had spontaneously advocated the pacific principles of the Gospel from his own pulpit. They have now the satisfaction of adding, that, in the year just closed, the Rev. P. Cater likewise inculcated, unasked, the same principles in a sermon, at his chapel, in York-street. Your Committee cherish the hope that the period is fast approaching, when the avowed ministers of the Gospel will at length see it to be their duty to proclaim the essentially pacific character of that dispensation. But, in unison with one of the declared Rules of the Parent Society, that the beneficent objects of the Society shall "not be limited by local attachments, nor circumscribed by geographical boundaries," your Committee regard with the liveliest gratitude, the steady progress which the cause of peace continues to make among our transatlantic brethren. Since your Committee were last favoured to meet you in this place, ten new Auxiliaries have been added to the already large number of Societies instituted in the United States for the promotion of permanent and universal peace. Your Committee stated, in a former Report, that a National Peace Society had been established in America; they have now the satisfaction of adding, that the object of establishing a " Court of Nations" for the adjustment of international difficulties is contemplated in that country. In America, also, the press teems with publications in support of the Peace Societies: one, in particular, your Committee would recommend to the especial notice of the members of this Society: they allude to a series of able "Sermons on War," by the Rev. Thomas T. Stone. The sermons are now in course of republication, through the medium of The Herald of Peace. It is also a most interesting fact, that a Peace Society has been formed at Geneva, under the immediate auspices of the Comte de Sellon, who takes the liveliest personal interest in its proceedings: indeed he is the President of the new Society. The Count (who is a member of the Sovereign Council of Geneva) has also offered a prize for the best essay upon the means of procuring general and permanent peace. Comte de Sellon, in common with the leading men of France, not excluding even the king himself, holds the principle of the "inviolability of the life of man "-a principle which he extends not only to war, but also to capital punishments, for the total abrogation of which he is a decided advocate. Your Committee cannot here enlarge this interesting subject: they rather refer you to the last Annual Report of the Parent Society, from which it appears that a great and remarkable change is gradually operating upon the minds of influential men in France, as regards the questions of the lawfulness of war and of capital punishments. on Although the year just closed has not passed without international strife, it is yet matter of thankfulness that the flame of war has not extended to neighbouring countries. Much as your Committee deplore the fierce and sanguinary measures by which Poland has again been coerced to degradation and bondage by her ruthless oppressor, they cannot but perceive, in the circumstance of France and other continental powers declining to interfere in the late struggle, a palpable change of policy, if not of principle, as regards war. In this respect, it is clear that the nations of Europe are become either wiser or better - perhaps both. Whatever be the motive, however, for their change of conduct, the friends of peace may derive ample encouragement from the fact, to persevere in their work of faith and labour of love, in the assured conviction that the times are favourable for the dissemination of the peaceful principles of the Gospel, as they are developed in the tracts of the Peace Society. Of the ultimate attainment of the great object proposed by the Peace Societies no consistent believer in Divine Revelation can permit himself to doubt. It remains therefore for your Committee to exhort the members of this Society to go on "in the name of the Lord;" uniting prayer with praise; and continually seeking to have their conduct, as members of civil, social, and private life, brought more and more under the influence of that lovely principle which they are aiming to impress upon their fellow-men. General Meeting of the Subscribers and Friends of the Auxiliary Peace Society of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. ON Wednesday, February the 15th, a numerous and respectable meeting of the subscribers and friends of the Newcastle-upon-Tyne Auxiliary to the London Society for the Promotion of Permanent and Universal Peace, was held in the Friends' Meeting-house, Mr. John Bruce in the chair, who opened the business of the meeting by stating the object the Society in London had in view; briefly detailed the consequences of the wars which this country particularly had been involved in, and from which it had not yet recovered; and called upon the meeting to support the Society in disseminating the principles of peace. The Report of the proceedings of the Newcastle Auxiliary was then read. The meeting was addressed by the |