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and true religion. And so is it between nations. How desirable would it be if nations could be made to bring their disputes to some sovereign power, chosen by themselves, and to whose authority they would all bow. It has given me great pleasure to hear the manner in which the framers of the Report have spoken of the Lord Chancellor ;-they have justly styled him the friend of peace.

If there was one thing more than another to which that illustrious man was attached, it was to the great importance of the preservation of peace. Lord Brougham is well known to be the founder of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, and was often employed, when other men slept, in revising the works of the Society, and he never let slip the opportunity to insert some pithy passage, containing advice to the people to preserve and cultivate above all things peace. I must beg to call your attention to one subject intimately connected with that of peace. We all know that it has been the mistaken policy of the nations of the world to put restrictions upon commerce; thus, as it were, standing in the face and opposing the designs of Providence, which has said that in certain parts of the earth certain products shall be found, and in other parts other products, equally necessary to human comfort and happiness, shall be found. One would have thought that would have led nations freely to interchange the various gifts of Providence; but I would not, at the present moment, enter upon any inquiry which would at all savour of party politics. I have only introduced the subject for the purpose of shewing what an intimate connexion it has with the preservation of peace; for when nations form a commercial intercourse with each other, then, in the words of my friend the Lord Chancellor," the nations of the earth become bound in heavy recognizances to keep the peace towards each other." We should consider the subject in its various ramifications, and

we should then find that, while these miserable restrictions upon commerce take the bread out of the mouth of the poor man, they put a sword into the hand of the destroyer. I must again thank the Committee for inviting me to this mental repast, where I see so many of my fellow-countrymen gathered together by no selfish motives, but actuated by a desire to imitate— as far as frail humanity can imitate— the example of that Saviour who came to preach peace and good-will among


Mr. Henwood moved the second resolution, which was,

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That whilst this Society expresses its deep regret for the loss sustained by the death of its late President, Daniel Sykes, Esq., it is desirous of placing on record its testimony to his enlightened philanthropy, his indefatigable exertions, and his christian ardour, in the various public duties entrusted to his support and advocacy, and especially of his patronage for this Institution, at a period of great personal suffering and affliction."

The Society had, on its formation, felt that, by the acceptance of the office of President by the lamented individual spoken of in the resolution, they were honoured by a name which, in every sense, was honourable. They had shortly afterwards to mourn his loss; but it was highly consolatory to know, that his last days were devoted to pursuits so characteristic of the Gospel, and honourable to him and the town. The speaker then most ably defended Peace Societies from the charge of being Utopian, and stated that, if a case of sober justice, like that of negro emancipation, had for a long course of years met with such opposition, as it continues to meet with, and although the port was now in view, still we were not without some trembling anxiety; if such were the case, it was no wonder that we were looked upon as deserving pity from rational and thinking men. He anticipated the greatest blessings from

the formation of Peace Societies. They had good grounds for believing this. They knew that the great principles of the Gospel were those of love and peace, and as those spread, it would at the same time inculcate peace. He called the attention of the meeting to the books of the Society. It was one of the most discouraging parts of the Report, in which he learnt that only 3s. had been received for tracts, and he begged to urge on them the necessity of procuring and reading them. He knew that the lamented individual, referred to in the resolution, greatly admired the Institution, and he could not but think that, in his dying day, it was a source of pleasure to that gentleman to reflect that one of his last public acts had reference to the diffusion of peace.

Mr. Hill again begged to intrude on their attention, to second the motion which had, with so much eloquence and true christian feeling, been brought brought before them. Although within the last six weeks a stranger in Hull, he was no stranger to the name of Daniel Sykes. He knew him to be a true friend to humanity. Whether at home or abroad-at Hull, or in the council of the nation, to which you did yourselves the honour to send him— he never lost an opportunity of advocating the principles of humanity and peace. Hull had much to be thankful for; she has given birth to some of the most able and persevering friends of humanity, of which the world has to boast; and very high on that list stands your late friend, the President of this Society. He was indeed the friend of the negroes. And it was impossible to forget the connexion of peace with that of the abolition of slavery. What had been the conduct of the white, but a system of war? with this difference, that death on a field of battle was short and comparatively easy, and the other was protracted through years of suffering. But it was said the objects of this society were chimerical. Twenty years ago would not that man have

been considered as raving, who foretold that in a few years from that time, houses and shops would be lighted with coal smoke? If he had said the steam which escapes from their kettles would in that time propel ships across the ocean, and on land supersede the use of horses-why they would have gone to the Chancellor, and moved for a commission of lunacy against him. But these were weak illustrations, trifles in comparison with causes which had been triumphant. Surely we have reason to know that, if we only base ourselves upon just principles, success sooner or later must be our portion.


The Rev. E. Morley moved the next resolution, which was That the increased aversion to war manifested by the now civilized countries of the world, and especially by England, France, and America, calls for humble gratitude to him whose advent was announced from heaven with ' peace on earth and good will towards men.' The speaker made a most able appeal to the meeting on the great benefits which might be reasonably expected to accrue from Peace Societies, especially as they were based upon the purest principles of the gospel.

The motion was seconded by Mr. Sadler.

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Mr.T.J.Buckton moved the fourth resolution, which was, That the ministers of the gospel in Hull be respectfully and earnestly invited to impart their aid in promotion of this society's object." The speaker strongly urged upon ministers of religion the great necessity of rendering their assistance in the spread of the principles of the society. He strongly painted the horrors of war, and said, the historian's pen must frequently drop from his hand in disgust at what he had to transmit to posterity. It was said of the great King of Prussia, in giving advice to his officers, that he of all things impressed upon them the idea that the object of all war was peace. This was a great admission, because it showed that if

peace could be attained by other means, war should never be practised. Mr. Hipsley seconded the resolution, which, as well as all the preceding, were unanimously carried.

Mr. Leonard West moved, "That John Hipsley, Esq. be appointed Treasurer and Secretary, and the following gentlemen a Committee, with power to add to their number, and of whom five shall be a quorum:-Messrs. J. Alsop, J. Bowden, T. J. Buckton, W. H. Dikes, G. Greenwood, Jas. Henwood, John Hipsley, Simon Horner, Rev. G. Lee, Dr. Longstaff, Messrs. John Lofthouse, T. E. Radford, J. Sad ler, J. Sanderson, W. Stickney, C. Welch, and L. West."

Mr. Buckton, in answer to a question, stated the annual subscription was 5s. and that any member of the Committee would receive the names of any lady or gentleman who wished to become members.

The Rev. E. Higginson moved, and Mr. Sanderson seconded the customary thanks to the Chairman, who acknowledged the compliment, and the meeting separated.


In pursuance of the powers vested in your Committee at the establishment of this Society, they have proceeded in carrying into effect the means whereby its great and important object, Peace, is designed to be accomplished. Supported as their exertions have been by the powerful assistance of the Parent Society in London, your Committee have found their labours easy and gratifying; and whilst reflecting on the combined exertions now making by the Peace Societies of France and America, recognising in the administrative councils of those enlightened countries, and of England, men distinguished for their great talents and philanthropy, your Committee cannot deem themselves too sanguine, when they express a firm expectation that civilised nations, ceasing to aim at the paltry and degrading renown that war confers, will study diligently to emu


late each other in the arts of peace, and in the paths of righteousness.

Whilst contemplating with high satisfaction the rapid and firm progress making in the establishment of permanent and universal peace amongst mankind, your Committee have one cause for deep regret, in the loss which you, the town, and the public at large, have sustained, in the lamented death of our late president, Daniel Sykes, Esq. His gentleness and amenity of manners, his great and distinguished talents, his ardent zeal in the cause of philanthropy, will long endear his memory in the recollection of ourselves, and of our successors in the cause of peace.

The number constituting the members of your Society, although considerable, has not been so large as to enable your Committee to do all they wished: but they calculate on a speedy addition of numerical strength, which may add powerfully to their exertions. With the means, however, at your Committee's disposal, they have regularly distributed and circulated about twenty copies of the periodical publication called The Herald of Peace; a copy is regularly placed in each of the two principal libraries of this town, and your Committee have recently resolved to send this work, accompanied by a copy of the valuable tracts published by the London Society, to the several libraries or reading-rooms in the neighbouring towns, conformably with a recommendation of the London Society. Your Committee have also deposited in most of the steam-packets frequenting this port a volume of the Society's Tracts, for the use of the passengers. It will be gratifying to you to know, that since the establishment of the London Society, in 1816, there have been published 551,082 copies of works advocating the doctrine of universal peace. pies of these tracts are deposited at Mr. Rayner's, in Lowgate, for sale, and for the supply of subscribers; and your Committee strongly recommend these

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publications to your notice, inasmuch a scene of bloodshed and detestable as they are ably written, and moderate in price. An attentive perusal by the candid mind cannot fail to produce the conviction, that the object of your Society, so far from being chimerical, is perfectly rational and attainable. Your Committee have, conformably with your fourth resolution, remitted to the Society in London, the sum of Ten Pounds, being the amount which they have been able to spare, after defraying all incidental charges incurred here. Your Committee have been indebted to the Society of Friends for the use of a room in Lowgate; and they cannot refrain from noticing the deep obligations which the friends of peace owe to that intelligent class of professing Christians. It is much to be desired, that the ambassadors of the Prince of Peace would generally follow the unpretending and unobtrusive steps of these true friends; and your Committee would strenuously urge upon the teachers of religion a close examination of the principles and doctrines espoused by your Society.

Your Committee cannot refrain from noticing, with much approbation, the project about to be submitted to the Congress of the United States, for referring international disputes to a Congress of Nations. This plan has the support of several officers of state, lawyers, professors in the universities, clergymen, and generals of the American Union.

The American and Geneva Peace Societies have offered prizes for essays on the best means of establishing a general and permanent peace. In Holland one of the Society's tracts has been translated and published by a lady. Most earnestly would your Committee entreat the Christian women of England to exert their unostentatious but powerful influence in inculcating on the tender minds of our children a love of peace, without which there can be no domestic happiness ; instilling into them a horror of war, whereby the cheerful home is rendered

Fortunate, indeed, may this country be esteemed, when its governors continue still to hold forth to the world the olive branch of peace. One true friend to peace we recognise in the Chancellor of England; and the following extract from one of his speeches will corroborate this characteristic:"Nightly," says Lord Brougham, "did he (the previous speaker) make war upon France. Now France was our neighbour; peace and war with the world depended on her. We should not truckle to France; but that statesman would deserve to lose his head, who would needlessly plunge us into a war with France, and involve Europe and the world in hostilities. Many of England's best wishers at this moment trembled for peace. I shall not regret having troubled your Lordships, if my words give comfort to the party who are friends of peace, of France, of England, and of the world. I solemnly and in my conscience believe, that the breaking of the peace of Europe will, over England, Ireland, and Scotland, be the most hated act that any government could be guilty of, and it would draw down universal, loud, and unsparing execrations on the government; and I do in my consci ence believe, that these execrations would not be more loud, universal, and unsparing, than (according to the soundest view of the interests of this country, and the honour of the crown which I serve, and which I think I the more faithfully serve the more I give utterance to these opinions,) would be merited by the advisers of so insane and criminal a course."-And Earl Grey, on another occasion, in adverting to the principles which influenced the conduct of himself and his colleagues in their foreign policy, said, "He entertained a sanguine he might say a perfect hope that the peace of Europe would be preserved. He fully agreed with those who thought that the time had passed away when we

should be induced to think that any two nations could regard each other as natural enemies. He hoped that impolitic, unwise, and unchristian maxim, was giving way to that enlightened policy which would suggest to us notions that each was interested in the prosperity of the other, and that the only rivalry which ought to subsist between them was an emulation in the arts and an anxiety to surpass each other in the improvement of every social institution. From the hour he came into office to the present moment, every thing that had occurred confirmed the hope that these anticipations would be realised."

The feelings of your Committee ardently respond to these sentiments and views. For some time the tranquillity of Europe has been preserved, with the important exceptions of Poland and Portugal. In the latter country, the event of the contest between two claimants for the honour of a throne, is still in the womb of futurity. Poland furnishes us with a striking lesson that the demoniacal arbitrament of the sword decides not by the decrees of justice, but by the dictates of arbitrary power;-after rivers of blood have been shed, and diplomacy had proved delusive and vain, a final appeal has been made by the wandering fugitives of Poland to the peaceful expression of public opinion in Britain, France, and America. Here your Committee have one powerful practical argument, to show that the right direction of the public mind in the pursuit of univeral Peace is even a more powerful political engine than all the panoply and murderous equipage of war.

In conclusion, your Committee cherish the hope that the principles of your Society are gradually, though almost silently, making their way in the minds of many; whilst the conviction gains strength that war is not only inconsistent with the principles of the Gospel, but also uniformly destructive of the progressive improvement, and

the present and future happiness of mankind.

Proceedings of the Sixth Anniversary of the Windham County Peace Society.

THIS Society held its Sixth Annual Meeting at Brooklyn, on Wednesday, Aug. 22. Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. Tillotson. An original Ode, written for the occasion by Mr. Wm. H. Burleigh, was sung, which is as follows :—

Hark! the cry of Death is ringing
Wildly from the reeking plain-
Guilty Glory, too, is flinging

Proudly forth her vaunting strain.
Thousands on the field are lying,

Slaughtered in the ruthless strife-
Wildly mingled, dead and dying,

Show the waste of human life! Christian! can you idly slumber While this work of Hell goes on? Can you calmly sit and number Fellow-beings, one by one,

On the field of battle falling

Sinking to a bloody grave?
Up! the God of Peace is calling-
Calling upon you to save!
Listen to the supplications

Of the widowed ones of earth!
Listen to the cry of nations

Ringing loudly, wildly forth!
Nations bruised, and crushed for ever
By the iron heel of War!
God of Mercy! wilt thou never

Send deliverance from afar?
YES!-a light is faintly gleaming

Through the cloud that hovers o'er-
Soon the radiance of its beaming

Full upon our land will pour-
'Tis the light that tells the dawning
Of the bright millenial day,
Heralding its blessed morning
With its peace-bestowing ray!
God shall spread abroad his banner,
Sign of universal peace-
And the earth shall shout hosanna,
And the reign of Blood shall cease!
Man no more shall seek dominion

Through a sea of human gore-
War shall spread its gloomy pinion

O'er the peaceful earth no more! Rev. Mr. Cleveland, of Windham, delivered the Address; and we hope it will be shortly published. We know not when we have listened to a discourse from any one with so much

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