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HE following Difcourfe is intended, not merely as an Answer to any particular Book written against the Doctrine of Original Sin, but as a general Defence of that great important Doctrine. Nevertheless, I have in this Defence taken Notice of the main Things faid against this Doctrine, by fuch of the more noted Opposers of it, as I have had Opportunity to read; particularly thofe two late Writers, Dr. TURNBULL, and Dr. TAYLOR of Norwich; but efpecially the latter, in what he has published in those two Books of his, the first intitled, The Scripture-Doctrine of Original Sin propofed to free and candid Examination; The other, his Key to the Apoftolic Writings, with a Paraphrafe and Notes on the Epistle to the Romans. I have closely attended to Dr. TAYLOR'S Piece on Original Sin, in all its Parts, and have endeavoured that no one Thing there faid, of any Consequence in this Controversy, should pass unnoticed, or that any Thing which has the Appearance of an Argument, in Oppofition to this Doctrine, should be left unanswered. I look on the Doctrine as of great Importance; which every Body will doubtless own it is, if it be true. For, if the Cafe be fuch indeed, that all Mankind are by Nature in a State of total Ruin, both with respect to the moral Evil they are the Subjects of, and the afflictive Evil they are expofed to, the one as the Confequence and Punishment of the other, then doubtlefs the great Salva


tion by CHRIST ftands in direct Relation to this Ruin, as the Remedy to the Disease; and the whole Gofpel, or Doctrine of Salvation, must fuppofe it; and all real Belief, or true Notion of that Gofpel, must be built upon it.. Therefore, as I think the Doctrine is moft certainly both true and important, I hope, my attempting a Vindication of it, will be candidly interpreted; and that what I have done towards its Defence, will be impartially confidered, by all that will give themselves the Trouble to read the enfuing Difcourfe: in which it is defigned to examine every Thing material throughout the Doctor's whole Book, and many Things in that other Book of Dr. T-r's, containing his Key and Expofition on Romans; as alfo many Things written in Oppofition to this Doctrine by fome other modern Authors. And moreover, my Difcourse being not only intended for an Answer to Dr. TAYLOR, and other Oppofers of the Doctrine of Original Sin, but (as was obferved above) for a general Defence of that Doctrine; producing the Evidence of the Truth of the Doctrine, as well as anfwering Objections made against it :-confidering thefe Things, I fay, I hope this Attempt of mine will not be thought needlefs, nor be altogether useless, notwithstanding other Publications on this Subject.

I would also hope, that the Extenfiveness of the Plan of the following Treatife will excuse the Length of it. And that when it is confidered, how much was abfolutely requifite to the full executing of a Defign formed on fuch a Plan; how much has been written against the Doctrine of Original Sin, and with what Plaufibility; and how ftrong the Prejudices of many are in Favour of what is faid in Oppofition to this Doctrine; and that it can


not be expected, any Thing fhort of a full Confideration of almost every Argument advanced by the main Oppofers, especially by this late and fpecious Writer, Dr. TAYLOR, will fatisfy many Readers; and alfo, how much muft unavoidably be said in order to a full handling of the Arguments in Defence of the Doctrine; and how important the Doctrine must be, if true; I fay, when fuch Circumftances as these are confidered, I truft, the Length of the following Difcourfe will not be thought to exceed what the Cafe really required. However, this must be left to the Judgment of the intelligent and candid Reader.

Stockbridge, May 26, 1757.

The Editor has taken the Liberty of striking out a few Things from the Preface and the Account of the Author, the better to adapt them to the European Reader; and has altered all the References, fo as to fuit them to the laft London. Editions of Dr. T-r's Books; whereas Mr. EDWARDS made ufe of the Irish.

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When the Page is referred to in this Manner p. 40. p. 50. without mentioning the Book, thereby is to be understood fuch a Page in Dr. TAYLOR's Scripture-Doctrine of Original Sin. S. intends the Supplement. When the Word, Key, is ufed to fignify the Book referred to, thereby is to be understood Dr. Taylor's KEY to the Apoftolic Writings. This Mark [§] with Figures or a Number annexed, fignifies fuch a Section or Paragraph in his Key. When after mentioning Preface to Par. on Epift. to Romans, there is fubjoined p. 145, 47. or the like, thereby is intended Page and Paragraph, page 145, Paragraph 47. The Letter T. alone, is ufed to fignify Dr. TAYLOR'S Name, and no other.


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