The Tudor Translations, Volume 30AMS Press, 1967 |
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Résultats 1-3 sur 89
Page 355
... kynge of Englande , and to Howe the his counsayle , as I have done to the Frensshe kyng . Then kyng of the kynges uncles demaunded of hym yf the Frensshe kynge Armony had sent hym thyder or noo . He answered and sayd , Nay , Englande ...
... kynge of Englande , and to Howe the his counsayle , as I have done to the Frensshe kyng . Then kyng of the kynges uncles demaunded of hym yf the Frensshe kynge Armony had sent hym thyder or noo . He answered and sayd , Nay , Englande ...
Page 356
1 Amony P. CAP . LIX Howe the kynge of Armony1 retourned out of Englande , and of the answere that was made to hym . W HEN the kynge of Armony was refresshed at Dover a day , and had spoken with the kynges uncles at good leysure , then ...
1 Amony P. CAP . LIX Howe the kynge of Armony1 retourned out of Englande , and of the answere that was made to hym . W HEN the kynge of Armony was refresshed at Dover a day , and had spoken with the kynges uncles at good leysure , then ...
Page 357
... kynge of the palays of Westmynstre , and his counsayle with hym , Armony re- suche as were aboute hym , and to sende for the kynge of tourned out Armony to come thyder . And when he was come into the of Englande . presence of the kynge of ...
... kynge of the palays of Westmynstre , and his counsayle with hym , Armony re- suche as were aboute hym , and to sende for the kynge of tourned out Armony to come thyder . And when he was come into the of Englande . presence of the kynge of ...
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Expressions et termes fréquents
abyde agayne agaynst alwayes Aragon armes assayled ayde batayle Bretayne bycause bytwene capitayne castre comynge constable counsayle countre countrey cyte daye dedes delyvered demaunded desyre domage doughter duches duke of Anjou duke of Lancastre dyde dyvers enemyes Englande Englysshmen entred erle of Foiz fayre Flaunders Fraunce Frensshe kynge Galyce garyson Gaunt grete hath herde howbeit Hungery Juberoth kepe knyghtes and squyers kynge of Castell kynge of Englande kynge of Portyngale la Vale lady lodgynge lorde Lourde lyke lytell maner marshall mayster moche moost myght nere nombre nothynge payde pryson quene quod receyved redy retourned rode royalme ryght ryver sawe sayd saynt Scotlande sente shal shewed sholde shulde shyppes sir Johan slayne Sluse sore speke speres styll syr John Tarbe themselfe ther therle therof theyr thyder thynge thynke togyder toke towne tydynges tyll tyme warre waye whan wherby wherfore wolde wyfe wyll yere