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" Act of 1970, the Clean Air Act of 1970, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 to the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act in 1980 and many more in between. "
Inclusion of Alaska Lands in National Park, Forest, Wildlife Refuge, and ... - Page 106
de United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Subcommittee on General Oversight and Alaska Lands - 1977
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Annual Report

United States. Small Business Administration - 1976 - 528 pages
...Poultry Products Act, the Wholesome Meat Act of 1967, the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, the Clean Air Act of 1970, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, if such firms are likely to suffer substantial economic injury without such loan assistance. Similar...
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Journal, Volumes 103 à 104

American Society of Civil Engineers. Power Division - 1977 - 350 pages
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Business Horizons

Kelly School of Business - 1992 - 570 pages
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Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Volume 17

American Nuclear Society - 1973 - 620 pages
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Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports, Volume 16,Numéros 9 à 14

1978 - 786 pages
...plans and continuing litigation relative to EPA regulations designed to implement diffuse sources acts under the Clean Air Act of 1970 and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972. The need for innovative organizations arrangements and greater coordination at all government...
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Water Resources Bulletin, Volume 30,Numéros 4 à 6

1994 - 626 pages
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Annual Report

United States. Small Business Administration - 212 pages
...Poultry Products Act, the Wholesome Meat Act of 1967, the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, the Clean Air Act of 1970, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, if such firms are likely to suffer substantial economic injury without such loan assistance. Similar...
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Research Reporting Series: Environmental protection technology, Numéro 670

1974 - 360 pages
...control laws enacted by the US Congress will have a major impact on National solid waste generation: the Clean Air Act of 1970 and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 (the Clean Water Act). Their primary objective is the reduction of environmental...
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Annual Report of the Congressional Research Service of the Library of ...

Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service - 1976 - 204 pages
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Deepwater Ports, Joint Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Water Resources ...

United States. Congress. House. Public Works Committee - 1973 - 388 pages
...mid-1960s, Congress made substantial changes in air and water pollution control programs, culminating in the Clean Air Act of 1970 and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972. These landmark measures provide significant powers in the federal government to control air and...
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