James M. Henderson. Goldson T. Lamon, M.D. E. Z. Gross. William B. Dunwoody, John G. Thomas, M.D., J. M. Jones, C. A. Morris, Esq. W. S. Stryker, John G. Reading, Esq., George W. Bailey, M.D., Glendon L. Thomas, M.D. ADVISORY MEMBERS-ORGANIZED MISSIONS. Hunan-Rev. William H. Lingle. Japan-Rev. Henry M. Landis. Punjab-Rev. Ray H. Carter. Southern Brazil-Rev. George L. Bickerstaph. Syria-Rev. George C. Doolittle. Western India-Rev. Edgar M. Wilson. CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. THE STATED CLERK... Rev. William H. Roberts, D.D., LL.D. Mr. J. Ernest McAfee. BOARD OF FOREIGN MISSIONS. BOARD OF EDUCATION. Rev. Arthur J. Brown, D.D. Mr. Dwight H. Day. Rev. Joseph W. Cochran, D.D., LL.D. Mr. Edward R. Sterrett. BOARD OF PUBLICATION AND S.S. WORK Mr. William H. Scott. Rev. Alexander Henry, D.D. BOARD OF RELIEF AND SUSTENTATION...... Rev. John R. Davies, D.D. BOARD OF CHURCH ERECTION.. BOARD FOR FREEDMEN.. COLLEGE BOARD.. BOARD OF TEMPERANCE.. Rev. Wm. Hiram Foulkes, D.D. Rev. John R. Sutherland, D.D., LL.D. Rev. David G. Wylie, D.D. Rev. Ford C. Ottman, D.D. Rev. E. P. Cowan, D.D. Rev. John M. Gaston. Rev. Robert Mackenzie, D.D. Rev. James E. Clarke, D.D. Rev. George R. Brauer. Rev. Prof. Charles Scanlon, A.M. CORRESPONDING DELEGATES. WORLD ALLIANCE OF THE REFORMED COUNCIL OF THE REFORMED CHURCHES IN FEDERAL COUNCIL OF THE CHURCHES OF Rev. George B. Stewart, D.D., LL.D. Rev. Wallace Radcliffe, D.D., LL.D. Rev. Charles S. MacFarland, Ph.D. Rev. S. Hall Young, D.D., of Alaska, presented to the retiring Moderator a gavel made of walrus ivory. The Moderator responded appropriately to his address. The necessary papers for the election of a Moderator and the Standing Committees were delivered to a member in each of the Electing Districts, names being announced by the Stated Clerk under the Rules, as follows: Rev. Maitland Alexander, D.D., of the Presbytery of Pittsburgh, was, by acclamation, and by a unanimous and rising vote, elected Moderator of the Assembly. Rev. William C. Covert, D.D., of the Committee of Arrangements, in behalf of the Presbytery of Chicago, and also in behalf of the mother church of the city of Chicago, presented the Moderator two gavels, whose material was of historic interest. The Moderator responded to the address of presentation. Upon the nomination of the Stated and Permanent Clerks, the following were chosen as Temporary Clerks: Rev. James Frothingham, of the Presbytery of Chicago; Rev. William T. Jaquess, D.D., of the Presbytery of Detroit; Rev. Roland E. Crist, of the Presbytery of Northumberland; and Mr. Penrose R. Perkins, of the Presbytery of Philadelphia North. The Docket, as printed, was adopted. The Electing Sections were ordered to meet immediately upon the adjournment of the Assembly this afternoon, to organize by the election of Chairmen and Secretaries, and to elect the Standing Committees, and the Nominating Committee of the Executive Commission. The Assembly adjourned, and was closed with prayer. FRIDAY, May 22, 9 o'clock A.M. The Assembly met, and was opened with devotional services. The Minutes of yesterday's sessions were read and approved. The Permanent Committee on Commissions reported the following additional Commissioners, who were duly enrolled: Ministers-E. H. Vail, of the Presbytery of Lansing; Frederick O. Wise, of the Presbytery of St. Clairsville; H. G. Teagarden, of the Presbytery of Clarion; V. V. Nicholas, of the Presbytery of Chester; E. Edwin Jones and Thomas S. Stevenson, of the Presbytery of Los Angeles; Harlan P. Cory, of the Presbytery of Southern Arizona; Albert C. Fulton, of the Presbytery of Syracuse; Ruling Elders-James S. Cromb, of the Presbytery of Southern Arizona; S. D. Cochran, |