Term expires in 1916: Rev. Edwin H. Jenks, D.D. Term expires in 1917: Rev. Thomas L. Sexton, D.D.. Term expires in 1918: Rev. Harlan P. Carson, D.D. The following-named persons were elected members of the Board for the first time, at its last annual meeting: Revs. Melvin V. Higbee, D.D., Francis W. Russell, D.D., J. Frank Young, D.D., Edward E. Hastings, D.D., Phil C. Baird, D.D., Stanton Olinger, James Rayburn and W. J. Hill, Esq. At the same meeting of the Board, special notice was taken of the death of Rev. Robert N. II. FACULTY. Rev. ALBERT B. MARSHALL, D.D., LL.D., President and Acting Professor of Rev. DANIEL E. JENKINS, Ph.D., D.D., Dean and Professor of Didactic and ture and Exegesis. Rev. CHARLES A. MITCHELL, Ph.D., D.D., Professor of New Testament LiteraRev. CHARLES HERRON, D.D., Professor of Ecclesiastical History and Church Polity and Missions. Rev. Matthew B. Lowrie, D.D., who has served the Seminary twenty-one years as Professor and ten of those years as President, has withdrawn from the work of the Seminary. His resignation has been accepted by the Board of been made Professor Emeritus of Homiletics and Pastoral Theology. Directors, and in appreciation of the valuable services he has rendered he has SPECIAL LECTURES. Rev. Herbert W. Reherd, D.D., President Westminster College, Salt Lake City, Utah: "The World's Challenge to the Theological Seminary." Rev. Charles A. Arnold, Pastor Grace Presbyterian Church, Kansas City, Mo.: "Service, as seen by an Alumnus." Ralph H. Felton, representing the Board of Foreign Missions: "The Call of the Mission Field." Rev. Thomas C. Winn, D.D., Missionary at Darien, Manchuria: "Religious Conditions in Japan." Rev. Henry C. Swearingen, D.D., Pastor of the House of Hope Presbyterian Church, St. Paul, Minn.: "The Minister's Preparation." Rev. James Rayburn, Evangelist, Marshalltown, Ia.: "Effective Evangelism." Rev. William H. Kearns, D.D., District Secretary of Home Missions, Minneaoplis, Minn.: "The Country Church. Rev. Charles F. Ensign, D.D., Pastor Presbyterian Church, Marion, Ia.: "Embracing the Opportunity.' Rev. Leon D. Young, D.D., Pastor Presbyterian Church, Beatrice, Neb.: "Sermon on the Day of Prayer for Colleges." Dan Crawford, Missionary in Africa: "The Preacher Potential." Harry Monroe, Superintendent Pacific Garden Mission, Chicago, Ill.: "Paul's Testimony and Ours." III. STUDENTS. 1. Whole number of Undergraduates enrolled, 26, as follows: (2) Middlers, 5; (3) Juniors, 11; Special Students, 3. 2. New students enrolled, 14, of whom 9 have college degrees. (1) Seniors, 7; 3. The following-named students graduated and received diplomas: nary support: b. Total income-producing resources of the above for Semi General endowment funds $85,000 00 22,500 00 100,000 00 66 3,500 00 256 00 3. INCOME ACCOUNT: a. Total income for the year, from sources named above......... b. Total income for the year, from other sources.... 6,902 00 5,481 00 12,363 00 4. DISBURSEMENTS FOR THE YEAR: For expenses of maintenance, scholarships, etc... V. LIBRARY. 1. Whole number of books, bound volumes...... 2. Number added during the year, bound volumes... VI. GENERAL. 6,200 200 During the year, $15,000 were added to the resources of the Seminary. Two new Scholarships, one to be called "The Kitchel Scholarship" and the other "The A. B. Marshall Scholarship," were founded during the year. Two bequests were reported to the Seminary during the year: one by Mrs. Captain John Stuart, of Audubon, Ia., of $5,000, and the other by Mr. Julius Tower, of Laurel, Neb., of $500. It is the intention of the officers of the Seminary to seek large additions to the Endowment Fund this year. ALBERT B. MARSHALL, President. McCormick.. San Francisco......... German, Dubuque. Ger., Bloomfield.... Lincoln. Biddle.. '74 31 .28 ៩២២២៩ 3 6 21 264 212 8-82 80 919 888 .. 84 17 18 13 4 149 130 129 154 141 134 138 145 159 146 138 153 181 214 190 230 216 224 222 256 218 249 300 262 256 226 245 206 199 165 177 186 170 167 185 164 186 197 173 193 192 |