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THE ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SIXTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA met, according to appointment, at Chicago, Illinois, in the Fourth Presbyterian Church, at 10.30 o'clock A.M., on Thursday, May 21, 1914; and was opened with a sermon by the Moderator, Rev. John Timothy Stone, D.D., LL.D., from Acts i: 8, "But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you.

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After the sermon, the Assembly was constituted with


The Committee of Arrangements, through Mr. Edward H. Smith, presented a Report in part, which was adopted, and is as follows:

1. That the Assembly meet this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. 2. It is recommended that the rule requiring that the Lord's Supper, at the sessions of the Assembly, be celebrated on the evening of the first Thursday, be and hereby is suspended for this Assembly, and that the Sacrament be administered at this morning's session immediately after the constitution of the Assembly by prayer.

It is also recommended that the retiring Moderator, as is the custom, preside; that the Rev. James Frothingham, of the Presbytery of Chicago, and the Rev. Henry M. MacCracken, D.D., of the Presbytery of New York, administer the Bread and the Cup, and that the following Ruling Elders be appointed to serve in the administration of the elements: Mr. David B. Gamble, of the Presbytery of Los Angeles; Mr. Benjamin F. Edwards, of the Presbytery of St. Louis; Mr. Thomas W. Synnott, of the Presbytery of West Jersey; Mr. F. H. Van Derbeck, of the Presbytery of Buffalo; Dr. John G. Thomas, of the Presbytery of Chester; Mr. Theodore W. Morris, of the Presbytery of New York; Gen. Ralph E. Prime, of the Presbytery of Westchester; George W. Bailey, M.D., of the Presbytery of

Philadelphia; Mr. William H. Scott, of the Presbytery of Philadelphia North; Thomas T. Davis, M.D., of the Presbytery of Pittsburgh; Prof. Francis W. Kelsey, of the Presbytery of Detroit; Mr. J. Holmes Marshall, of the Presbytery of Nashville; Mr. J. A. Gould, of the Presbytery of Seattle; Mr. W. S. Potwin, Mr. Eugene H. Fishburn, Mr. Frank J. Loesch, Dr. A. R. Craig, Mr. John S. Broeksmit, and Mr. W. Holmes Forsyth, of the Presbytery of Chicago.

The Lord's Supper was then celebrated with due solemnity, the Assembly uniting reverently therein with prayer and praise, the Moderator pronouncing the apostolic benediction.

The Assembly took recess, and was closed with prayer.

THURSDAY, May 21, 2.30 o'clock P.M.

The Assembly met and was opened with prayer.

The Committee of Arrangements presented an additional Report, which was adopted, and is as follows:

The Committee of Arrangements begs leave to present the, following recommendations:

1. That, preceded by an organ recital beginning at 8.45 A.M., the Assembly meet for devotional services at 9 A.M. each week day and for business from 9.30 A.M. to 12.30 P.M. (except Saturday, 12.00 M.) and from 2.30 to 5.30 P.M., and that the evening popular meetings be held at 8 o'clock.

2. That the reception to Commissioners and their wives and all other guests of the Assembly be held this (Thursday) evening from 8 to 10 o'clock in the LaSalle Hotel, corner of Madison and LaSalle Streets.

3. That on Saturday afternoon, May 23, there be an automobile tour for all Commissioners, giving opportunity to see something of the city of Chicago and of Presbyterian enterprises.

4. That other popular meetings be held as follows:

On Friday evening, May 22, in Orchestra Hall, Michigan Boulevard, near Adams Street, a popular meeting for the presentation of the work of the Board of Publication and Sabbath School Work.

On Saturday evening, a popular meeting in Orchestra Hall for the presentation of the work of Christian Education, under the direction of the Board of Education.

On Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, a popular meeting in

the Fourth Church under the auspices of the Evangelistic Committee.

On Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, a Sunday-school Missionary Mass Meeting, in the Church of the Covenant, corner of Belden Avenue and North Halsted Street.

On Sunday evening, a popular meeting in the Fourth Church, for the presentation of the work of Christian Education under direction of the College Board.

On Sunday evening, a popular meeting in the Fullerton Avenue Presbyterian Church, in the interest of Sabbath Observance.

On Monday, May 25, at 5.30 P.M., a fellowship dinner of the Presbyterian Brotherhood, in the Auditorium Hotel. On Monday evening, a popular meeting in Orchestra Hall, for the presentation of work among the Freedmen.

On Tuesday evening, a popular meeting in Orchestra Hall, for the presentation of the work of Home Missions.

On Wednesday evening, a popular meeting in Orchestra Hall, for the presentation of the work of Foreign Missions. On Thursday evening, a popular meeting in Orchestra Hall, in the interest of Temperance.

5. That a group picture of the Assembly be taken in front of the Fourth Church on Tuesday, May 26, at 12.30 P.M. 6. The Art Institute on the lake front at the foot of Adams Street, and the Field Museum in Jackson Park on the south side, extend the courtesy of free admission to Commissioners displaying the Assembly button.

Submitted respectfully,

E. H. SMITH, Chairman.

Upon the Report of the Permanent Committee on Commissions, the following Ministers and Elders were recognized as duly appointed Commissioners, and their names were entered upon the

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