Overtures Nos. 201 and 202, from the Presbyteries of Florida and Nashville, relating to the work of the Board of Home Missions, protesting against the action of those Presbyteries that ask for the appointment of a Committee to consider the administrative policies of the Board and report to the next Assembly, and petitioning the Assembly "fully to consider, and definitely and finally to settle the whole question, and thus make further hurtful agitation impossible. Overture No. 203, from the Presbytery of Helena, relating to the work of Home Missions, asking the Assembly to appoint a Permanent Committee on Home Missions, and setting forth details pertaining to the organization and functions of said Committee. Overtures Nos. 204 to 242, from the Presbyteries of Ardmore, Bellingham, Bloomington, Boisé, Boulder, Emporia, Fargo, Flint, Freeport, Grand Rapids, Gunnison, Hastings, Highland, Jonesboro, Kearney, Lyons, Kittanning, Madison, Monroe, Nebraska City, Newark, Newburyport, Niagara, Niobrara, Oklahoma, Omaha, Pembina, Phoenix, Portsmouth, Pueblo, Redstone, Riverside, Saint Paul, Salt Lake, San José, Santa Barbara, Southern Arizona, Topeka, and Utica, relating to the work of Home Missions, petitioning the Assembly: "1. To transfer the Home Mission feature of the Publication Board to the Board of Home Missions. "2. To authorize and direct the Home Mission Board to organize the Home Mission work of the Publication and Sabbath School Board into a Department to be known as the 'Sabbath School Department of the Home Mission 'Board,' and also to man, equip and administer the affairs of said Department. These Overtures contain an argument. Overtures Nos. 243 to 258, from the Presbyteries of Baltimore, Birmingham, Carthage, Chester, Columbia, Dubuque, Kirksville, Knox, LeVere, Lincoln, Nashville, Philadelphia, Portland, Waterloo, West Jersey, Yellowstone, relating to the "Sabbath School and Missionary Department" of the Board of Publication and Sabbath School Work, protesting against the transfer of said Department to the supervision of the Board of Home Missions, as is proposed in certain Overtures presented to the Assembly. Overtures Nos. 259 to 274, from the Presbyteries of Baltimore, Bismarck, Bloomington, Dayton, Emporia, Fort Wayne, Grand Rapids, Logansport, Pembina, Philadelphia North, Pueblo, Riverside, Shenango, West Jersey, Winona, and Wooster, relating to the work of the Board of Home Missions, propounding certain interrogatories with reference to Synodical and Presbyterial prerogatives in matters of control in Home Mission work. Overtures Nos. 275 and 276, from the Presbyteries of Pecos Valley and Rio Grande, relating to Home Mission Work in the Synod of New Mexico, asking the Assembly to answer certain questions, found in the Overture, with reference to the relative rights and powers of the Synod and the Board of Home Missions, in connection with the employment of a Synodical Missionary. Overture No. 277, from the Presbytery of Rio Grande, relating to the Training School for Mexican Young Men at Albuquerque, New Mexico, petitioning the Assembly in the following terms: "1. Formally to approve the Training School for Mexican Young Men at Albuquerque as the most suitable and strategic centre for the preparation of native evangelists for this home mission field. "2. To instruct the Board of Education to recognize said school as one of collegiate grade, which requires of regular students the rank of Manual School graduates, and to honor properly made applications for aid. "3. To instruct the Board of Home Missions to transfer to said school, immediately if possible, the chair of Spanish now maintained at $1500 per year at Dubuque, thus unifying and strengthening this branch of missionary effort for the Mexican people for the ensuing year; and, further, if the Board of Home Missions anticipates the possibility of establishing a third chair of Spanish, that this chair also be placed at Albuquerque instead of at San Anselmo." Overture No. 278, from the Synod of North Dakota, relating to a Home Mission organization of the Synod, asking the Assembly for a deliverance as to the constitutionality of the plan of said organization, a copy of this plan being submitted with the Overture. Overture No. 279, from the Presbytery of Iowa, relating to a change in the location of the Board of Home Missions, asking that, in the event of a reorganization of said Board, its location be changed from New York to Chicago, and reasons are given for making this petition. Overture No. 280, from the Presbytery of Crawfordsville, relating to interdenominational coöperation in Home Mis sions, speaking of the evils of petty divisions and rivalries of the churches of the various denominations in small and rural communities, petitioning the Assembly on the subject, asking the Assembly, "To make public recognition of this situation and to take definite action looking to its relief, either by the appointment of a special committee to study the situation and confer with other denominations in regard to it, or by recommendation to our presbyteries, or by the authorization of union between our own and other churches in localities where it would be advisable, or in such other ways as may seem wise to the Assembly. Overture No. 281, from the Presbytery of Cimarron, touching comity relations with the Congregational Church, in connection with Home Mission operations in the Presbyteries, in the following terms: "That the Assembly annul any comity arrangements which may exist between our Board of Home Missions and the Board of the Congregational Church, and to direct that the judgment of the Presbyteries shall be final as to the advisability of starting or continuing work at points within. their bounds where Congregational churches or work may claim priority." The Overture contains matters of information and an argument. Overture No. 282, from the Board of Home Missions, relating to aid for the Church at Frankfurt-on-the-Main, containing a statement of facts, and petitioning the Assembly in the following terms: "To take such action that the Board may know the mind of the General Assembly as to its granting aid to the church at Frankfurt am Main, and to such other missions as the Committee on Work on the Continent of Europe may be authorized by the Assembly to establish in behalf of Americans in Europe." Overture No. 283, from the Presbytery of Austin, relating to present opportunities for evangelistic and missionary work among Mexicans in Texas in the following terms: "That the Assembly instruct the Home and Foreign Mission Boards to act together in this matter, that immediately all the Foreign Mission workers now out of Mexico, on account of the troubles in that revolution-torn republic, may come to Texas and at once go to work among the large colonies in our midst." Overtures Nos. 284 to 335, from the Presbyteries of Ardmore, Athens, Binghamton, Bloomington, Boisé, Butler, Chillicothe, Chippewa, Cincinnati, Columbia River, Corning, Elizabeth, Emporia, Fargo, Freeport, Genesee, George, Grande Ronde, Great Falls, Highland, Indiana, Kalamazoo, Kirksville, LeVere, Logansport, McGee, McMinnville, Mattoon, Muskogee, Nebraska City, New Albany, Northumberland, Oklahoma, Ottawa, Parkersburg, Pembina, Pendleton, Portsmouth, Rogersville, Rushville, Southern Oregon, Spokane, Topeka, Tulsa, Union, Waukon, Wenatchee, West Jersey, Willamette, Winnebago, Wooster, and Yellowstone, relating to the organization of union, or interdenominational, churches in small communities, petitioning the Assembly in the following terms: "To appoint a Committee to call a conference with the representatives of our sister denominations, for the purpose of preparing a plan which will bring about the establishment of one church in each small town or community; and the withdrawal of all but one, where more than one church now exists in towns and communities of 1,200 inhabitants or less." Overtures Nos. 336 to 434, from the Presbyteries of Abilene, Alaska, Albany, Ardmore, Austin, Baltimore, Bellingham, Benicia, Binghamton, Boisé, Boston, Boulder, Box Butte, Brooklyn, Brownwood, Chillicothe, Cimarron, Cincinnati, Clarion, Cleveland, Columbia-A, Connecticut Valley, Columbia River, Dallas, Detroit, Ebenezer, Erie, Flint, Fort Smith, Fort Wayne, Grafton, Grand Rapids, Great Falls, Hastings, Highland, Holston, Huron, Indiana, Iowa City, Iron Mountain, Kalamazoo, Larned, LeVere, Lima, Lincoln, Little Rock, Los Angeles, Lyons, Mahoning, Marion, Mattoon, Mouse River, Nashville, Nassau, Neosho, New Hope, Niobrara, North River, Northumberland, Oklahoma, Olympia, Omaha, Otsego, Ottawa, Pecos Valley, Pembina, Pendleton, Phoenix, Portland, Portsmouth, Princeton, Providence, Pueblo, Rio Grande, Rochester, Rock River, Rushville, Sacramento, San Joaquin, San José, Santa Barbara, Santa Fé, Shenango, Southern Arizona, Southern Oregon, Spokane, Syracuse, Topeka, Transylvania, Tulsa, Twin Falls, Utica, Waterloo, Waukon, Wenatchee, West Jersey, West Tennessee, Winona, and Yellowstone, relating to a change in the name and the policy of the Freedmen's Board, in the following terms: 1. That there be a "change of the name of 'The Board of Missions for Freedmen' to that of 'The Board of Missions for Negroes in the United States of America."" 2. That there be "such a change in the policy of the Board as will admit of the Board's prosecuting its work among the negroes in the United States of America." Overtures No. 435, from the Boards of Freedmen and Home Missions, relating to the work among colored people of the Presbyterian Church, in the Northern States, in the following terms: "WHEREAS, The Board of Missions for Freedmen of the Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. confines its work to the negroes residing in the Southern States; and "WHEREAS, The Board of Home Missions has been made responsible for the care and assistance of needy churches among the negroes of the other States, and has been authorized to receive a certain portion of the income of special funds given them for this purpose; and "WHEREAS, It has seemed wise to those who have given this subject special study, that the entire work should be combined, and placed under the oversight and care of the Board of Missions for Freedmen in the United States of America, for the unification and better supervision of the service; "Therefore, The Board of Missions for Freedmen and the Board of Home Missions unite in respectfully requesting the General Assembly to place the entire work of Missions among the negroes of the United States in the hands of, and under the care of, the Board of Missions for Freedmen, and authorize and direct the Trustees of the General Assembly to pay to the said Board that portion of the income derived from the funds held by them for work among the negroes now paid to the Board of Home Missions." Overture No. 436, from the Presbytery of Portland, relating to Young People's Work, asking the Assembly "to consider the advisability of bringing all the matters pertaining to our Young People's Work under the care of the Board of Publication and Sabbath School Work." Overture No. 437, from the Presbytery of Hastings, relating to the Intermediate Catechism, asking the Assembly "to direct the Board of Publication and Sabbath School Work to print the Intermediate Catechism in all our Sabbathschool helps, the questions and answers to be so grouped that the whole will be gone over in one year. Overtures Nos. 438 to 440, from the Presbyteries of Fargo, Maumee, and Wenatchee, relating to a one-volume commentary on the Scriptures, asking the Assembly "to authorize the issuance of such a volume, which shall go out with its |