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" ... judge, the profession, occupation, or quality, and place of abode of the plaintiff, on pain of being guilty of a contempt of the court from which such writ... "
The Irish Jurist - Page 140
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The Law Journal for the Year 1832-1949: Comprising Reports of Cases in the ...

1832 - 748 pages
...shall also, in case the Court or any Judge of the same or of any other Court shall so order and direct, declare in writing, within a time to be allowed by...on pain of being guilty of a contempt of the Court from which such writ shall have appear * to have been issued ; and if such attorney shall declare that...
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The Practice on the Plea Side of the Court of Exchequer: To ..., Partie 272

Thomas Dax - 1833 - 382 pages client, if the court or any judge of the same or of any other court shall so order and direct, declare in writing, within a time to be allowed by...on pain of being guilty of a contempt of the court from which such writ shall have appear to have been issued ; and if such attorney shall if writ not...
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Practice of the Superior Courts of Law, in Personal Actions, and Ejectment ...

William Tidd - 1833 - 440 pages
...also, in case the court, or any judge of the same, or " of any other court, shall so order and direct, declare in writing, " within a time to be allowed by such court or judge, the pro" fession, occupation, or quality and place of abode of the plaintiff; " on pain of being guilty...
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The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Passed in ...

Great Britain - 1834 - 516 pages
...also, in case the said Court, or one of the Judges thereof, shall by Rule or Order so order and direct, declare in Writing, within a Time to be allowed by...Plaintiff, on pain of being guilty of a Contempt of the said Court ; and if such Attorney shall declare that the Writ was not issued by him, or with his Authority...
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Statutes at Large ...: (37 v.) A collection of the public general statutes ...

Great Britain - 1834 - 586 pages
...also, in case the said Court, or one of the Judges thereof, shall by Rule or Order so order and direct, declare in Writing, within a Time to be allowed by...Plaintiff, on pain of being guilty of a Contempt of the said Court ; and if such Attorney shall declare that the Writ was not issued by him, or with his Authority...
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The Law Journal for the Year 1832-1949: Comprising Reports of Cases in the ...

1834 - 872 pages
...order so order and direct, declare in writing, within a time to bo allowed by such Court or Joige, the profession, occupation, or quality, and place...plaintiff, on pain of being guilty of a contempt of the aid Court ; and if such attorney shall declare that the writ was not issued by him, or with his authority...
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The Principal Statutes and Rules of Court for Reform of the ..., Page 957

England, Great Britain - 1834 - 254 pages
...other court shall so o^ered!''' order and direct, declare in writing, within a as the case may be. time to be allowed by such court or judge, the profession, occupation, or quality, and place of abpde of the plaintiff, on pain of being guilty of a contempt of the court from which such writ shall...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the King's Bench Practice Court ...

Great Britain. Bail Court, Alfred Septimus Dowling - 1835 - 944 pages
...Will. 4, c. 39, which directs, that the attorney, on being required so to do, shall declare in writing the profession, occupation, or quality, and place...plaintiff, on pain of being guilty of a contempt of Court. If the writ was issued without sufficient authority, the attorney is in contempt, and is liable...
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The Practice of the Law in All Its Departments: With a View of ..., Volume 3

Joseph Chitty - 1835 - 1032 pages
...affirmative, then ">e plaintiff. the Court or a judge may order such attorney to declare in writing the profession, occupation, or quality and place of abode of the plaintiff, and if he neglect to do so he may be attached ; and if the attorney declare that the writ was not issued...
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The Legal Observer, Or, Journal of Jurisprudence, Volume 11

1836 - 596 pages
...Court, or any Judge of the same, or of any other Court, shall so order and direct, declare in irriting; within a time to be allowed by such Court or Judge,...on pain of being guilty of a contempt of the Court from which such writshall have been issued ;" and by the latter part of the same section, if such attorney...
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