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" die without leaving issue," or " have no issue," or any other words which may import either a want or failure of P- 159. issue of any person in his lifetime or at the time of his death, or an indefinite failure of his issue, shall be construed to mean... "
The Irish Jurist - Page 91
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Reports of Cases Decided in the Court of Chancery of the State of ..., Volume 54

New Jersey. Court of Chancery - 1897 - 810 pages
...person dying after this act shall take effect, the words ' die without issue,' or 'die without lawful issue,' or 'have no issue," or any other words which may import a want or failure of issue of any person in his lifetime or at his death, or an indefinite failure...
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Copyhold and Court-keeping Practice: With Nearly Two Hundred Precedents, and ...

Rolla Rouse - 1837 - 270 pages
...the fee simple or other the whole estate or interest which the testator had power to dispose of XXIX. In any devise or bequest of real or personal estate...either a want or failure of issue of any person in hia lifetime or at the time of his death, or an indefinite failure of his issue, shall be construed...
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The Legal Observer, Or, Journal of Jurisprudence, Volume 14

1837 - 528 pages
...die without tenting inue," »hall be conitrued to mean die without ittue living' at the death.—That in any devise or bequest of real or personal estate...issue," or " die without leaving issue," or " have no issne," or any other words which may import either a want or failure of issue of any person in his...
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The Law Journal for the Year 1832-1949: Comprising Reports of Cases in the ...

1837 - 458 pages dispose of by will in such ml »täte, unless a contrary intention shall appear by the will. nix. That in any devise or bequest of real or personal...words " die without issue," or " die without leaving am," or " have no issue," or any other words which may import either a want or failure of issue of...
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A Concise Treatise on the Law of Copyhold Property: With Reference to the ...

Henry Stalman - 1837 - 226 pages
...that in a indefinite6*" " w"l °f real or personal estate, the words " die without failure of issue, issue," or, " die without leaving issue," or, " have no issue," or any other words which may import a want or failure of (1) Fearne En. Dev. 444. As to personal estate, see Lepine v. Ferard, 2Rus. &...
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Statutes at Large ...: (37 v.) A collection of the public general statutes ...

Great Britain - 1837 - 544 pages
...enacted, That in any Devise or The Words Bequest of Real or Personal Estate the Words " die without " die without Issue," or " die without leaving Issue," or " have no Issue," or ^thoutToavin'r any other Words which may import either a Want or Failure of issue," shall bo Issue...
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The Law Magazine: Or, Quarterly Review of Jurisprudence, Volume 18

1837 - 512 pages
...the testator's whole estate. S. 29. The words "die without issue," or "die without leaving issue," or other words which may import either a want or failure of issue, shall be construed to mean die without issue living at the death of the person, and not an indefinite...
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Plain instructions for every person to make a will, in accordance with the ...

Plain instructions - 1838 - 82 pages
...terms " die without issue," and similar phrases, frequently used in wills, it is enacted by s. 29, that in any devise or bequest of real or personal...without issue," or " die without leaving issue," or " leave no issue," or any other words which import either a want or failure of issue of any person...
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Principles of Conveyancing

Charles Watkins, Henry Hopley White - 1838 - 596 pages
...above cited, as giving estates tail by implication ; for the act prescribes that where the expressions, "die without issue," or " die without leaving issue," or "have no issue," or any other words occur which may import either a want or failure of issue of any person in his lifetime, or at the time...
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An Abridgment of the Law of Nisi Prius, Volume 2

Patrick Brady Leigh - 1838 - 928 pages
...will in such real estate, unless a contrary intention shall appear by the will." Sec. 29 enacts, " that in any devise or bequest of real or personal estate, the words ' die without issue,i or ' die without leaving issue,' or • have no issue,' or any other words which may import...
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