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" ... unless it shall appear that the same was enjoyed by some consent or agreement expressly made or given for that purpose by deed or writing. "
The Irish Jurist - Page 347
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The Statutes of Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia - 1859
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The British Almanac of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge for ...

1833 - 334 pages
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Parliamentary Papers, Volume 2

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1831 - 626 pages the same Office or Benefice ; unless it shall be proved that such Payment was made or Enjoyment had by some Consent or Agreement expressly made or given for that purpose by words or writing. of enloyment for Thirty Years, unlefs Proof of Render or Payment prior to the Thirty...
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A letter to ... lord Tenterden ... on the proposed limitation of legal ...

James Miller (vicar of Pittington.) - 1831 - 66 pages
...the saving clause at the end, " unless it shall be proved that such payment was made, or enjoyment had, by some consent or agreement expressly made or given for that purpose, by words or writing," I cannot perceive that it will be attended with the smallest benefit : for, with...
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The Law Journal for the Year 1832-1949: Comprising Reports of Cases in the ...

1838 - 520 pages
...or such enjoyment was had hy some consent or agreement expressly made or given for that purpose hy deed or writing, and if such proof in support of the...he extended to the full period of sixty years next hefore the estahlishment of such composition such claim shall he deemed ahsolute and indefeasihle,...
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The British Magazine, Volume 2

1832 - 564 pages or benfice, unless it shall be proved that such payment or render of modus was made or enjoyment had by some consent or agreement expressly made or given for that purpose by deed or writing. II. And he it further enacted, That every composition for tithes which hath been made or confirmed...
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Parliamentary Papers, Volume 2

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1832 - 756 pages
...shall be deemed absolute and indefeasible, unless it shall appear that the same was taken and enjoyed by some consent or agreement expressly made or given for that purpose by deed or writing. In Claims of Right of Way or other easement, the periods to be Twenty Years and Forty Year*. Claim...
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The Law Journal for the Year 1832-1949: Comprising Reports of Cases in the ...

1832 - 748 pages
...shall be deemed absolute and indefeasible, unleis it shall appear that the same was taken and enjoyed by some consent or agreement expressly made or given for that purpose by deed or writing. и. That no claim which may be lawfully made at the common law, by custom, prescription, or grant,...
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The Law Journal for the Year 1832-1949: Comprising Reports of Cases in the ...

1880 - 1042 pages
...the right to light after twenty years' enjoyment is to bo indefeasible, " unless the same was enjoyed by some consent or agreement expressly made or given for that purpose " (ie for the purpose of enjoyment) •' by deed or writing." This contemplates a consent or agreement...
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Acts Relating to the Law of Real Property: Passed in the Last Session of ...

Solomon Atkinson - 1833 - 160 pages
...or benefice, unless it shall be proved that such payment or render of modus was made, or enjoyment had, by some consent or agreement expressly made or given for that purpose by deed or writing, (a) (a) The subjects to be consider- 1. ENTIRE EXEMPTION OF LAND ed in framing a statute of limita-...
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