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" He was of that rare affability and temper in debate, and of that seeming humility and submission of judgment, as if he brought no opinion of his own with him, but a desire of information and instruction ; yet he had so subtle a way of interrogating, and... "
The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, Begun in the Year ... - Page 265
de Edward Hyde Earl of Clarendon - 1707
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The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England ..., Volume 2,Partie 1

Edward Hyde Earl of Clarendon - 1707 - 488 pages
...of his Rank hath had in any time : for his Reputation of Honefty was Univcrfal, and his Affèâions feem'd fo publickly guided, that no corrupt, or private...of that rare affability, and temper in Debate, and ofthatfceming humility and fubmiffion of judgement, as if he brought no opinion of his ow'n with him,...
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The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England ..., Volume 2,Partie 1

Clarendon, Edward Hyde Earl of Clarendon - 1717 - 500 pages
...of his Rank hath had in any time : for his Reputation of Honefty was Univerfal, and his Affections feem'd fo publickly guided, that no corrupt, or private...temper in Debate, and of that feeming humility and (ubmiffion of judgment, as if he brought no opinion of his own with him, but a delire of Information,...
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The Dying Speeches and Behaviour of the Several State Prisoners that Have ...

1720 - 532 pages
...his Rank hath had in any time : For his Reputation of Honefty •was univerfal, and his Affections feem'd fo publickly guided^ that no corrupt or private...Temper in Debate, and of that feeming Humility and Submiffion of Judgment, as if he brought no Opinion of his own with him, but a Defire of Information...
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The history of the rebellion and civil wars in England ..., Volume 2,Partie 1

Edward Hyde (1st earl of Clarendon.) - 1731 - 510 pages
...Rank hath had at any time : for his Reputation of Honefty was Univcrfal, and his Affections feem'd Ib publickly guided, that no corrupt, or private ends...of that rare affability, and temper in Debate, and ofthat leeming humility and iubmiffion of judgment, as if be brought no opinion of his own with him,...
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The posthumous works of Jeremiah Seed, publ. by J. Hall

Jeremiah Seed - 1770 - 546 pages
...feeming Diffidence ; of which we have a pregnant Inftance in my Lord CLARENDON : " Mr. Hambden (fays he) was " of that rare Affability and Temper in " Debate, and of that feeming Humility " and Submiffion of Judgment, as if he " brought no Opinion of his own with him, " but a Defire of Information...
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A New and General Biographical Dictionary: Containing an Historical and ...

1798 - 410 pages
...clearly/, and craftily, fo flated it, that he commonly conduced it to the concjufion he defired. — He was of that rare affability and temper in debate, and of that fpeming humility and fubmiffion of judgement, as if he brought no opinion of his own with him, but...
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The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, Volume 2,Page 1

Edward Hyde Earl of Clarendon - 1807 - 736 pages
[ Le contenu de cette page est soumis à certaines restrictions. ]
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Specimens of English Prose Writers: From the Earliest Times to the Close of ...

George Burnett - 1807 - 548 pages
...universal, and his affections seemed so publicly guided, that no corrupt or private ends could bias them. He was of, that rare affability and temper in debate, and of that seeming humility and submission of judgment, as if he brought no opinion of his own with him, but a...
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Specimens of English prose-writers, from the earliest times to the ..., Volume 3

George Burnett - 1807 - 556 pages
...universal, and his affections seemed so publicly guided, that no corrupt or private ends could bias them. He was of that rare affability and temper in debate, and of that seeming humility and submission of judgment, as if he brought no opinion of his own with him, but a...
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Die Werke des Wassers betrachtet auf einer Nordlandfahrt: Vortrag gehalten ...

Max Wilhelm Meyer - 1809 - 786 pages
...his affections seemed s,o publicly guided, that no corrupt, or private ends could biass them. — lie was of that rare affability, and temper in debate, and of that seeming humility and submission of judgment, as if he brought no opinion of his own with him, but a...
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