GOSPEL WORTHY OF ALL ACCEPTATION; OR, THE DUTY OF SINNERS TO BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST. THIRD EDITION, WITH CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS: To which is added, AN APPENDIX, ON THE QUESTION, WHETHER THE EXISTENCE OF ANY IN ORDER TO BELIEVING IN CHRIST. By A. FULLER. Go, preach the gospel to every creature : he that believeth and PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED BY CHARLES CIST, NO. 104, NORTH SECOND-STREET. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE SECOND EDITION. THE author had no thoughts of reprinting the present publication, till he was repeatedly requested to do so from very respectable quarters. The corrections and additions, which form a considerable part of this edition, are such as, after a lapse of fifteen years, the writer thought it proper to make. It would be inexcusable for him to have lived all this time, without gaining any additional light, by what he has seen and heard upon the subject; and still more so, to publish a second edition, without doing all in his power towards improving it. The omissions, however, which also are considerable, are not always owing to a disapprobation of the sentiment; but to other things presenting themselves, which appeared to be more immediately in point. |