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" Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works : show me thy faith without thy works, and I will show thee my faith by my works. But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works... "
A new self-interpreting Testament, containing thousands of various readings ... - Page 199
publié par - 1827
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Brett's Miscellany: Being, a Collection of Divine, Moral, Historical, and ...

Peter Brett - 1748 - 260 pages
...give them not thofe Things which are needful to the Body ; what doth it profit ? Even fo Faith, if it hath not Works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a Man may fay, Thou haft Faith and I have" Works: Shew me thy Faith without thy Works, and 1 will (hew thee my...
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Sermons & Tracts, Volume 25

1754 - 498 pages
...him ?—-Tbou believefl that there is one God: Thou doft well. The Devils alfo believe and tremble. But wilt thou know, O vain Man ! that Faith without Works is dead ? &c. James ii. 14—26. What Shall we fay now? Does St. James contradict St. Paul ? may feem-...
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A summary, historical and political, of the first planting ..., Volume 2

William Douglass - 1760 - 434 pages
...eftabliChingfome of their tenets by fcripture. i They feem to be generally Arminian, James ii. 20. " But wilt thou know, O vain man ! that, faith without works is " dead." Aftsx. 34. " God is no refpefter of perfons, he that fears " God and works righteoufnefs is accepted...
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Christian Sobriety: Being Eight Sermons on Titus II. 6, Preached with a ...

Jonathan Mayhew - 1763 - 378 pages
...circumcifion availeth " any thing, nor uncircumcifion ; but faith " that ivorketh by !ove."\\ — " Wilt thou know, " O vain man, that faith without works is " dead" ?— " By w r orks was faith made per" fe6l." * It mult be particularly obfervcd, H however, t John...
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Discourses on Various Subjects: To which are Added, Considerations on ...

Samuel Disney - 1788 - 464 pages
...: " Thou believed, fays he, there is a God; thou doft well : the devils alfo believe, and tremble. But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith, without works, is dead ?" If thou believeft not God, fo as to love him, and loveft him not, fo as to prefer his communion...
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Sixteen Sermons on Various Subjects and Occasions

George Horne - 1795 - 492 pages
...this, that St. James brings this very inftance of Abraham, as of one who was juftified by works. " Wilt thou know, O vain man, that " faith without works is dead ? Was not " Abraham our father juftified by works, " when he offered Ifaac his fon upon the " altar...
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The Doctrine of Justification by Faith, Through the Imputation of the ...

John Owen - 1797 - 256 pages
...alfo believe and tremble. The Apoftle proceeds, ver. 20. to the laft confirmation of his aflertion—" But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith, without works, is dead?" And here obferve—Thefer/oa, tvhofe conviction is defigned, is called a 'vain man ; one who is vainly...
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A Brief Declaration and Vindication of the Doctrine of the Trinity: As Also ...

John Owen - 1798 - 476 pages be of the " right kind, that which is jufiifying, and will be faving, " mew it by thy works i " Wilt thou know, O vain man, " that faith without works is dead," James ii. 20. " Why fliouldft thou pleafe thyfelf with the thoughts " that the bleffings of the new...
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Discourses Relating to the Evidence of Revealed Religion ...

Joseph Priestley - 1799 - 504 pages
...brethren, .Revealed Religion. 37 that a man fay I have faith, and have not works ? Can faith fave him ? But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead ? As the body without the fpirit is dead, fo faith without works is dead alfo." The fame apoftle advances...
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Plain and useful selections, from the books of the New Testament, by T. Browne

Theophilus Browne - 1805 - 274 pages
...done them ? Thus, 1Л faith by itself withoul works is dead. Moreover, a man may say 18 unto ihee, " Thou hast faith, and I have works ; show me thy, and I will show thee my faith by my works." Thou 19 Abritum. CHAP, believest that there is but one God : ' ' thou doest well ; but even the ' demons...
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