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United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland,
King, Defender of the Faith,, and in the year

of our Lord one thousand eight hundred

Whereas the rectory and parish church of

in the county of

and diocese of

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became vacant by the death of E. F., clerk, B. D., the last incumbent there, and the above bounden A. B. was upon such vacancy presented thereto by G. H., of

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in the county of , esquire. And whereas a caveat hath been duly entered with the registrar of the diocese against institution being granted to the said rectory and parish church of " on be= half of J. K., of - in the county of esquire. And whereas the above named right reverend father in God, lord bishop of hath, at the special instance and request of the above bounden A. B. consented to admit and institute him in and to the said rectory and parish church. In consideration of the above bounden A. B. and C. D. having mutually agreed to enter into the above written obligation to defend, save, } and keep harmless him the said lord bishop


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and his successors, and all his officers and ministers, and every of them, from all manner of persons whatsoever having or pretending to have any right, title, or interest, in or to the said rectory and parish church of -, or in the patronage thereof, for this present vacation. Now therefore the condition of the above written obligation is

such, that if the said A. B. and C. D., and each of them, and their and each of their heirs, executors, and administrators, do and shall from time to time, and at all times hereafter, at their or his own proper costs and charges, well and sufficiently defend, save, and keep harmless, the said lord bishop

of, and his successors, and all his officers and ministers, and every of them, and his and their and every of their lands and tenements, goods and chat: tels, of, from, and against all and all manner of actions, costs, suits, losses, damages, expences, claims, and demands whatsoever, which he, they, or any of them shall or may suffer, sustain, expend, or be put unto, for or on account of the admission, institution, and mandate for the induction of the said A. B. into the said rectory and parish church of, or for or touching or concerning any other matter or thing in anywise relating thereto And if it shall hereafter happen that any person or persons other than the said alleged patron, have or hath any right, title, or interest in or to the said rectory and parish church, or patronage thereof, for this present vacation, for or by rea son of any advowson, gift, grant, or by any other lawful means whatsoever, in such sort that the patronage thereof shall be evicted by order of the laws of this realm; that then and in such case the said A. B. shall immediately, after lawful request to him in that behalf to be made by the said


lord bishop of, or his successors, resign the said rectory and parish church of into the hands


of the ordinary of the diocese for the time being: Then this obligation to be void and of none effect, or else to stand and remain in full force and virtue.

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Know all men by these presents, that I, 'C. D.,

of, in the county of

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clerk, M. A., am held and firmly bound to A. B., of

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in the county of, esquire, in the penal sum of, of good and lawful money of Great Britain, to be paid to the said A. B., or his certain attorney, executors, administrators, or assigns, for which payment to be well and truly made, I bind myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators, firmly by these presents, sealed with my seal, dated the day of — in the year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the, by the grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain

and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and

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Whereas the abovenamed A. B. by his present tion, bearing even date with and duly executed immediately before these presents, hath presented the above bounden C. D. to the rectory and parish church of in the county of, and diocese of- vacant by the death of E. F., clerk, D.D., the last incumbent there, he the said C. D. having previous to and before the executing of the said presentation, and in consideration thereof, proposed and agreed absolutely to relinquish and resign the said rectory, with all its rights, members, and ap purtenances, and all his interest therein, within the time and in such manner as hereinafter is mentioned and expressed. Now the condition of the above written obligation is such, that if the above bounden C. D. do and shall, from time to time, and at all times hereafter, reside upon the said rectory and during so long as he shall continue the rector, faithfully and diligently perform and discharge duties thereof, and do and shall within six months after notice to him in that behalf, to be made in writing by the said A. B., his heirs, executors, administrators, resign in due manner the said rec tory and parish church of, with all its rights, members, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, into the hands of the bishop or guardian of the spiritualties of the diocese, and shall




resignation to be accepted, in order that G. H., son of the said A. B., of - , may be presented to the said rectory and parish church of —, when he shall be capable of taking upon him the holy order of priesthood, and be admitted, instituted, and inducted into the same church, discharged of all charges and incumbrances done or suffered by him the said C. D.; and also that if the said C. D. do and shall keep the parsonage house, and the other buildings and offices belonging thereto, in a good and substantial repair, and shall not commit or suffer, or cause to be committed or suffered, any waste or dilapidations upon the glebe lands, fences, hereditaments, and premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, during so long as he the said C. D. shall continue the rector of the said rectory and parish church of ; then this obligation to be void, or

otherwise to remain in full force.

Signed, sealed, and delivered,

by the said C. D., in the

presence of

J. K., of &c.

L. M., of &c.

C. D. (Seal).

No. III.


To all to whom these presents shall come,


divine permission bishop of, sendeth greeting:

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