PRINCIPLES OF MORAL AND POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY. BY WILLIAM PALEY, M. A. ARCHDEACON OF CARLISLE. THE FOURTH EDITION CORRECTED. DUBLIN: Printed for Messrs, P. BYRNE, L. WHITE, and W. M'KENZIE. M.DCC.LXXXVIII, TO THE RIGHT REVEREND EDMUND LAW, D D. LORD BISHOP OF CARLISLE MY LORD, AD the obligations which I owe to your Lordship's kindness been much less, or much fewer, than they are; had personal gratitude left any place in my mind for deliberation or for inquiry; in selecting a name which every reader might confess to be prefixed, with propriety, to a work, that, in many of its parts, bears no obscure relation to the general principles of natural and revealed religion, I should have found myself directed by many confiderations to that of the Bishop of Carlifle. A long life, spent in the most interesting of all human pursuits, the investigation of moral and religious truth, in constant and unwearied endeavours to advance the discovery, communication, and sucess of both; a life so occupied, and arrived at that period which renders every life venerable, commands respect by a title, which a 2 |