TO THE Right Reverend Father in GoD EDMUND Lord Bishop of LONDON. May it pleafe your Lordship, T HE Liberty I humbly take in prefixing your Lordship's Name to this fmall Tract, is founded upon that fingular Goodness and Humanity, which encou A 2 rage rage the Lowest Attempts to ferve the Cause of Religion, from the meaneft of your Clergy. The Interest of Chriftianity has found a Faithful and Strenuous Advocate in your Lordship; and the Establish'd Church, and the Proteftant Cause are exceedingly indebted to your Lordship's Care and Vigilance in guarding this large Diocese against the fecret and affiduous Application of Romish Emiffaries, who are convinc❜d, how impoffible it is, that Popery should ever triumph over the British Li berties, without corrupting the Principles, Principles, and defacing the Beauty of this Reformed Church. THAT God would preferve to your Lordship a long Life for the Defence and Ornament of this Church and Nation, is the Ardent Prayer of, May it pleafe your Lordship, Your Lordship's Hampstead, March 28, 1735. moft dutiful and moft obedient Servant, THO. LEWIS. |