St. Clyde: A Novel, Volume 1Gale and Fenner, 1816 |
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affliction arms Augustus bag-pipe barn blessing bonnet bonny boys bride bridegroom brother Burnfoot Bute CHAPTER Clyde Colin St collies Cowley cutter dance daugh daughter dear dominie duty Edinburgh elegant Ettrick bay eyes father Fergus frae friendship gaugers gave geant Glen Glenderoy grief grotto hand happy heart heights of Abraham Highland Highland laddie Highland Watch hill honour hope invoice island jailor Jamie Little Jessie Kelvin knew laddie lady Laird St lasses lassie letter Leving look Lucky Boyd Lucky Mackirdy Maclean Mactaggart mamma manse Marquis de Montcalm mind minister mother ness never Norah and Ellen o'er passion Peggy Peggy's pleasure poor recruits regiment rendered returned rocks Rothsay Sandy Glass Seely Court sergeant servants sister sogers sorrow soul ther thing Thornhill thought tion Villejuive wedding Whiggans whilst young St youth
Fréquemment cités
Page 170 - I heard the poor gentleman say his prayers last night, said the landlady, very devoutly, and with my own ears, or I could not have believed it. Are you sure of it ? replied the curate. A soldier, an' please your reverence, said I, prays as often (of his own accord) as a parson ; and when he is fighting for his king, and for his own life, and for his honour too, he has the most reason to pray to God of any one in the whole world. 'Twas well said of thee, Trim, said my uncle Toby. But when a soldier,...
Page 83 - He understood b' implicit faith : Whatever Skeptic could inquire for; For every WHY he had a WHEREFORE: Knew more than forty of them do, As far as words and terms could go. All which he understood by rote, And, as occasion serv'd, would quote; No matter whether right or wrong, They might be either said or sung.
Page 195 - The active powers of man ; with wise intent The hand of nature on peculiar minds Imprints a different bias, and to each Decrees its province in the common toil.
Page 228 - 'tis the pursuit of all that live : Yet few attain it, if 'twas e'er attained. But they the widest wander from the mark, Who thro' the flowery paths of sauntering joy Seek this coy goddess : that from stage to stage Invites us still, but shifts as we pursue. For, not to name the pains that pleasure brings To counterpoise itself, relentless fate Forbids that we...
Page 224 - Tis yours, unmoved, to sever and to meet ; No pledge is sacred, and no home is sweet ! Who that would ask a heart to dulness wed, The waveless calm, the slumber of the dead ? No ; the wild bliss of Nature needs alloy, And Fear and Sorrow fan the fire of Joy ! And say, without our hopes, without our fears, Without the home that plighted love endears, Without the...
Page 33 - They loved : but such their guileless passion was, As in the dawn of time informed the heart Of innocence, and undissembling truth. 'Twas friendship, heightened by the mutual wish, The enchanting hope, and sympathetic glow, Beamed from the mutual eye.
Page 180 - How much unlike that gracefu' mien And manly looks of my Highland laddie ! 0 my bonny, bonny Highland laddie ! My handsome, charming Highland laddie ! May heaven still guard, and love reward, Our Lawland lass and her Highland laddie ! If I were free at will to chuse To be the wealthiest Lawland lady, I'd take young Donald without trews, With bonnet blew and belted plaidy.
Page 244 - When all the blandishments of life are gone, The coward sneaks to death, the brave live on.
Page 93 - What, in the very first beginning ! Shame of the versifying tribe ! Your history whither are you spinning ? Can you do nothing but describe...
Page 224 - But, triumph not, ye peace-enamoured few ! Fire, Nature, Genius, never dwelt with you ! For you no fancy consecrates the scene Where rapture uttered vows, and wept between ; 'Tis yours, unmoved to sever and to meet ; No pledge is sacred, and no home is sweet...