The Perils of EcumenismHartland Publications, 2003 - 416 pages The authors demonstrate that the holy Scriptures plainly set forth the ecumenical movement as a deception of Satan. |
Table des matières
James Cardinal Gibbons Roman Catholic Apostle to Protestants | 194 |
John Darby | 203 |
Cyrus Scofield and the Scofield Reference Bible | 211 |
Identifying the Antichrist of Biblical Prophecy | 222 |
The Reformers and the Antichrist | 234 |
Evangelicals and Catholics Together | 240 |
Avery Cardinal Dulles Protestant to Roman Catholic Architect of Ecumenism | 252 |
The AntiEcumenists of the Christian Era | 257 |
Architects of Global Justice | 299 |
The True and the False Gospel | 307 |
The Gospel of Christ and the Apostles | 315 |
The Gospel of Christ and the Apostles Other Important Teachings | 327 |
The Gospel of Christ and the Apostles Further Teachings | 337 |
The Everlasting Gospel and the First Angels Message | 346 |
The Messages of the Second and Third Angels | 358 |
The Triumph of Truth | 369 |
The World Council of Churches | 268 |
The BEM DocumentBaptism | 274 |
The BEM Documentthe Eucharist | 283 |
The BEM DocumentMinistry | 290 |
376 | |
Hartland Publications | 397 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
Anabaptists angels Anglican Church antichrist antichrist power apostles Augustine authority Babylon baptism beast believe Bible biblical Bishop Brethren called Cardinal Catholicism century chapter Christian church Christian Coalition claims commandments concept Corinthians Council of Churches Council of Trent Cyrus Scofield Daniel Darby death declared dispensationalism doctrine Donatists earth ecumenical movement error eternal Evangelical faith false Father Gibbons God's gospel grace Greek hath heaven Holy human identified International Criminal Court Jesus Christ John kingdom kings leaders lives Lord Luther Matthew ment nations Newman Oxford Movement pagan Papacy papal Paul persecution Pope preached predestination priests principles prophecy prophetic Protestant Protestant Reformation Protestantism receive Reformation reign religion religious Revelation righteousness Roman Catholic Church Roman Empire Rome Sabbath saints salvation sanctified Satan saved Scofield Scripture secret rapture seventh-day soul Spirit teachings Testament thee theology Thou shalt tion truth unity unto Waldensians words World Council worship