SELECTIONS, FROM THE BOOKS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT, ACCORDING TO THE MOST APPROVED MODERN TRANSLATIONS. BY THEOPHILUS BROWNE, A. М. LATE FELLOW AND TUTOR OF ST. PETER'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. I have regularly and attentively read these Holy Scriptures, and am of opinion, that inde- Let him that readeth understand. FOR W. VIDLER, NO. 187, HIGH HOLBORN; AND J. JOHNSON, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH YARD. PREFACE. THE design of this selection is to enable congregations, families and individuals to read the principal parts of the most valuable writings that ever appeared in the world, both profitably and agreeably. The greatest pains have been taken to give the true genuine sense of every passage, and to render that sense as intelligible as possible. Whatever contributed to make the old authorized public version obscure and unedifying, has been studiously avoided; and it is humbly hoped that both duty and pleasure will conspire to induce those to resume the frequent perusal of the New Testament, who have, from dislike of obscurities and improprieties of language, unhappily discontinued the practice. It is indeed true, that the knowledge of the Christian Religion, and of the circumstances attending it, was the cause of the Books of the New Testament being written, but now, it is certain, there are no other means of acquiring a true knowledge of Christianity, than the careful, and frequent perusal of these books. To promote, therefore, a more general acquaintance with their admirable contents, is the same thing as to promote the diffusion of true Religion. |