English Constitutional Conflicts of the Seventeenth Century: 1603-1689CUP Archive, 3 mars 1928 - 315 pages The lectures printed in the present volume were delivered in the University of Cambridge by the author as Deputy for the Regius Professor of Modern History during the academic year 1926-27. Dr Tanner deals with: Religious Questions in the Parliaments of James I; Constitutional Questions in the Parliaments of James I; The earlier Parliaments of Charles I; The eleven years of Non-Parliamentary Government; The Long Parliament and Reform; The Long Parliament and Revolution; The Long Parliament and Civil War; The Long Parliament and the Army; The Rule of the Purged Parliament, 1649-1653; The Parliament of Saints and the first Parliaments of the Protectorate; The Restoration; The Pension Parliament; The Policy of Exclusion; The Revolution of 1688. |
Table des matières
Religious Questions in the Parlia | 17 |
Constitutional Questions in the Parlia | 34 |
The Earlier Parliaments of Charles I | 51 |
tary Government | 68 |
The Long Parliament and Reform | 83 |
The Long Parliament and Revolution | 100 |
The Long Parliament and the Civil | 116 |
The Long Parliament and the Army | 134 |
The Second Parliament of the Pro | 174 |
tectorate | 185 |
The Restoration | 201 |
The Pension Parliament | 217 |
The Revolution of 1688 | 250 |
The Union with Scotland Calvins case | 268 |
Bibliographical Note | 297 |
303 | |
Autres éditions - Tout afficher
English Constitutional Conflicts of the Seventeenth Century: 1603-1689 J. R. Tanner Aucun aperçu disponible - 1928 |
English Constitutional Conflicts of the Seventeenth Century: 1603-1689 J. R. Tanner Aucun aperçu disponible - 1924 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
appointed Arminian army Assembly authority Bill bishops Buckingham Charles Charles II Church Civil Clarendon clergy Coke command Commonwealth constitutional Convention Parliament Court Cromwell Cromwell's Crown danger declared dispensing Divine doctrine Documents Earl ecclesiastical elected Elizabeth England English Exclusion Bill favour Firth force Grant Robertson hath History House of Commons House of Lords impeachment Ireland James judges King King's kingdom Laud Letters and Speeches liberty London Long Parliament ment military ministers monarchy nation officers Ordinance Parlia Parliamentary party peers Pension Parliament persons petition political prerogative Presbyterian Printed in Gardiner Protector Purged Parliament Puritan question Rebellion reform refused reign religion religious Restoration Revolution Roman Catholic royal Royalist Rushworth S. R. Gardiner says Scotland sects settlement seventeenth century Shaftesbury shew soldiers Star Chamber statute Strafford Stuart summoned sword throne tion toleration tonnage and poundage treason Tudor vote Whigs writ