ADVERTISEMENT. THE Works of William Penn were collected and published in the year 1726, a few years after the decease of the author, in two large folio volumes. Some time after, a selection was made and published in one very large volume, folio; and in the year 1782 his Select Works were reprinted in London, in five volumes, octavo. These being out of print, the Meeting for Sufferings in London, in the 4th Month, 1820, encouraged a new edition. But so large a selection being too costly for general circulation, it has been thought that a benefit would arise from the publication in a separate form, of the three following excellent treatises :-his " Sandy Foundation Shaken," " Innocency with her Open Face," and "The Christian Quaker, and his Divine Testimony Stated and Vindicated." They have always been printed with what are called his Select Works, and classed among his most approved writings. And as the second part of the "Christian Quaker," written by George Whitehead, and originally published in connexion with the first part by William Penn, had become extremely scarce, it was thought that its republication would be both interesting and useful. A little tract, by the same writer, entitled "The Light and Life of Christ within," has also been inserted. The collection, it is believed, will be found to contain much valuable information on most of the cardinal doctrines of Friends. The different treatises follow, in the volume, in the order of time in which they were written. CONTENTS. THE CHRISTIAN QUAKER, in two parts. Part I. by William Penn, A Discourse of the General Rule of Faith and Practice, and judge of The Answer to Thomas Hicks and his brethren, concerning the Resurrection, A Serious Reflection upon some of William Burnet's chief arguments, about the Resurrection of the same flesh, The Resurrection, future glory, and felicity of the Saints, Thomas Vincent's Illustrations of the Resurrection, Something for the Spirituality of the Resurrection, touching the nature LIGHT AND LIFE OF CHRIST WITHIN, AND THE EXTENT AND EFFICACY THEREOF DEMONSTRATED. AND THE QUAKERS' PRINCIPLES JUSTIFIED BY THE SCRIPTURES OF TRUTH, THE DOCTRINE OF CHRIST AND HIS APOSTLES, From the false and blasphemous constructions put upon them by WILLIAM BURNET, in his book, stiled, The Capital Principles of the people called Quakers HEREIN THE REST OF THE BAPTISTS THAT OWN HIM MAY SEE HIS Antichristian spirit and doc trines-detected, Doctrinal and self-contradic tions-compared, Ignorance and Errors-dis covered, Envy and Feignedness-re proved. BY A SERVANT OF CHRIST, GEORGE WHITEHEAD. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. Rom. i. 22. London-Printed in the Year 1668. PHILADELPHIA--REPRINTED BY JOSEPH RAKESTRAW, NO. 256, NORTH THIRD STREET. |