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Chor. Where the heart joins not, outw'rd acts defile not


Samf. Where outward force conftrains, the fentence
But who constrains me to the Temple of Dagon,
Not dragging? the Philiftian Lords command.
Commands are no constraints. If I obey them,
1 do it freely, vent'ring to difpleafe
God for the fear of Man, and Man prefer,
Set God behind: which in his jealoufy
Shall never, unrepented, find forgivenness.
Yet that he may dispense with me or thee



Present in Temples at Idolatrous Rites

For fome important cause, thou need'st not doubt.


Chor. How thou wilt here come off furmounts my reach.

Sams. Be of good courage, I begin to feel
Some roufing motions in me, which dispose
To fomething extraordinary my thoughts.
I with this Messenger will go along,
Nothing to do, be sure, that may dishonour
Our Law, or stain my vow of Nazarite.
If there be aught of presage in the mind,
This day will be remarkable in my life
By fome great act, or of my days the laft.




Chor. In time thou hast resolv'd, the man returns.

Off Samfon, this second message from our Lords
To thee I am bid say. Art thou our Slave,
Our Captive, at the publick Mill our drudge,
And dar'it thou at our fending and command
Dispute thy coming? come without delay;
Or we shall find such Engines to affail.



And hamper thee, as thou shalt come of force,
Though thou art firmlier fastn'd than a Rock.


Sams. I could be well content to try their Art,
Which to no few of them would prove pernicious.
Yet knowing their advantages too many,
Because they shall not trail me through their streets
Like a wild Beast, I am content to go.
Masters commands come with a power resistless
To fuch as owe them absolute subjection:
And for a life who will not change his purpose?
(So mutable are all the ways of men)
Yet this be fure, in nothing to comply
Scandalous or forbidden in our Law.

Off. I praise thy resolution, doff those links:
By this compliance thou wilt win the Lords
To favour, and perhaps to fet thee free.



Samf. Brethren farewell, your company along I will not wish, left it perhaps offend them To fee me girt with Friends; and how the fight 1415 Of me as of a common Enemy,

So dreaded once, may now exafperate them
I know not: Lords are Lordliest in their wine;
And the well-feafted Prieft then foonest fir'd
With zeal, if aught Religion feem concern'd:


No less the People on their Holy days
Impetuous, infolent, unquenchable,

Happ'n what may, of me expect to hear

Nothing dishonourable, impure, unworthy
Our God, our Law, my Nation or myself,


The last of me or no I cannot warrant.

Chor. Go, and the Holy One

Of Ifracl be thy guide

To what may ferve his glory best, and spread his name

Great among the Heathen round;

Send the Angel of thy Birth to sland

Faft by thy fide, who from thy Father's field

Rode up in flames after his message told

Of thy conception, and be now a shield
Of fre; that Spirit that first rusht on thee
In the Camp of Dan

Be efficacious in thee now at need.
For never was from Heaven imparted
Measure of strength so great to mortal feed,
As in thy wond'rous actions hath been seen.
But wherefore comes old Manoa in such hafte
With youthful fleps? much livelier than ere while
He feems: fuppofing here to find his Son,
Or of him bringing to us some glad news?





Man. Peace with you, brethren; my inducement hither

Was not at present here to find my Son,

By order of the Lords new parted hence

To come and play before them at their Feast.

I heard all as I came, the City rings

And numbers thither flock, I had no will,


Left I should fee him forc'd to things unfeemly :
But that which mov'd my coming now was chiefly
To give you part with me what hope I have

With good fuccess to work his liberty.

Chor. That hope would much rejoice us to partake With thee; fay, reverend Sire, we thirst to hear. 1456


Man. I have attempted one by one the Lords
Either at home, or through the high street passing,
With fupplication prone and Fathers tears,
T' accept of ransom for my Son their pris'ner.
Some much averse I found and wondrous harfa,
Contemptuous, proud, set on revenge and spite;
That part most reverenc'd Dagon and his priests.
Others more moderate seeming, but their aim
Private reward, for which both God and State



They easily would set to fale; a third
More generous far and civil, who confefs'd
They had enough reveng'd, having reduc'd
Their Foe to misery beneath their fears,
The rest was magnanimity to remit,
If fome convenient ransom was propos'd.
What noise or shout was that? it tore the Sky.


Chor. Doubtless the people shouting to behold Their once great dread, captive, and blind before them, Or at some proof of strength before them shown. 1475

Man. His ransom, if my whole inheritance
May compass it, shall willingly be paid
And number'd down: much rather I shall chuse
To live the poorest in my Tribe, than richest,

And he in that calamitous prison left.


No, I am fixt not to part hence without him;
For his redemption all my Patrimony,

If need be, I am ready to forgo

And quit: not wanting him, I shall want nothing.

Chor. Fathers are wont to lay up for their Sons,

Thou for thy Son are bent to lay out all;
Sons wont to nurse their Parents in old age,


[blocks in formation]

Thou in old age car'st how to nurse thy Son,
Made older than thy age through eye-fight loft.

Man. It shall be my delight to tend his eyes, 1490

And view him fitting in the house, ennobl'd
With all those high exploits by him atchiev'd,
And on his shoulders waving down those locks,
That of a Nation arm'd the strength contain'd:
And I perfuade me God hath not permitted
His ftrength again to grow up with his hair
Garrifon'd round about him like a Camp
Of faithful Soldiery, were not his purpose
To use him farther yet in some great fervice,
Not to fit idle with fo great a gift



Useless, and thence ridiculous about him..
And fince his ftrength with eye-fight was not loft,
God will restore him eye-fight to his strength.

Chor. Thy hopes are not ill founded, nor feem vain

Of his delivery, and thy joy thereon
Conceiv'd, agreeable to a Father's love,

In both which we, as next, participate.


Man. I know your friendly minds and-what noise ! Mercy of Heav'n what hideous noise was that! Horribly loud, unlike the former shout.

Chor. Noise call you it, or universal groan,
As if the whole inhabitation perish'd!
Blood, death, and deathful deeds are in that noise,
Ruin, destruction at the utmost point.



Man. Of ruin indeed me thought I heard the noise. Oh it continues, they have flain my Son!


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