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Samson with these inmixt, inevitably
Pull'd down the same destruction on himself;
The vulgar only 'scap'd who stood without.

Chor. O dearly bought revenge, yet glorious!
Living or dying thou haft fulfill'd
The work for which thou wast foretold
To Ifrael, and now ly'st victorious

Among thy flain self-kill'd

Not willingly, but tangl'd in the fold,
Of dire neceffity, whose law in death conjoin'd
Thee with thy flaughter'd foes in number more

Than all thy life had flain before.




Semichor. While their hearts were jocund and sublime,

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So fond are mortal men,

Fall'n into wrath divine,

As their own ruin on themselves t' invite,

Insensate left, or to sense reprobate,

And with blindness internal ftruck..



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Of tame villatick Fowl; but as an Eagle
His cloudless thunder bolted on their heads,

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From out her ashy womb now teem'd,
Revives, reflourishes, then vigorous most


When most unactive deem'd,

And though her body die, her fame survives,
A fecular Bird ages of lives.


Man. Come, come, no time for lamentation now, Nor much more cause; Samson hath quit himself. Like Samson, and heroickly hath finish'd

A life Heroick, on his Enemies

Fully reveng'd, hath left them years of mourning,

And lamentation to the Sons of Chaptor


Through all Philiftian bounds: To Ifrael
Honour hath left, and freedom, let but them
Find courage to lay hold on this occasion;
To himself and Father's house eternal fame :

And which is best and happiest yet, all this


1720 With


With God not parted from him, as was fear'd,
But favouring and affifting to the end.
Nothing is here for tears, nothing to wail
Or knock the breafts, no weakness, no contempt,
Dispraife, or blame, nothing but well and fair,
And what may quiet us in a death fo noble.
Let us go find the Body where it lies
Soak'd in his enemies blood, and from the stream
With lavers pure and cleanfing herbs wash off
The clodded gore. I with what speed the while 1730
(Gaza is not in plight to say us nay)

Will fend for all my kindred, all my friends
To fetch him hence, and folemnly attend
With filent obsequy and funeral train

Home to his father's house: there will I build him 1735
A Monument, and plant it round with fhade
Of Laurel ever-green, and branching Palm,
With all his Trophies hung, and Acts enroll'd
In copious Legend, or sweet Lyrick Song.
Thither shall all the valiant Youth refort,
And from his memory inflame their breasts
To matchless valour, and adventures high:
The Virgins also shall on feaftful days
Vifit his Tomb with flowers, only bewailing
His lot unfortunate in nuptial choice,
From whence captivity and loss of eyes.



Chor. All is best, though we oft doubt

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Bore witness gloriously; whence Gaza mourns,

And all that band them to refift
His uncontroulable intent,

His fervant he with new acquist


Of true experience from this great event


With peace and consolation hath dismist,
And calm of mind all passion spent.


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