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" This royal infant, (heaven still move about her !) Though in her cradle, yet now promises Upon this land a thousand thousand blessings, Which time shall bring to ripeness... "
A tour to Sheeraz by the rout of Kazroon & Feerozabad [&c.]. To which is ... - Page 154
de Edward Scott Waring - 1807
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King Henry VIII. Coriolanus

William Shakespeare - 1788 - 466 pages
...flattery, for they'll find 'em truth. This royal infant (heaven still move about her!) Though in her cradle, yet now promises Upon this land a thousand...Which time shall bring to ripeness : She shall be (But few now living can behold that goodness) A pattern to all princes living with her, And all that...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: Accurately Printed from the Text ..., Volume 7

William Shakespeare - 1803 - 426 pages
...flattery, for they'll find them truth. This royal infant, (heaven still move about her !) Though in her cradle, yet now promises Upon this land a thousand...Which time shall bring to ripeness : She shall be (But few now living can behold that goodness,) A pattern to all princes living with her, And all that...
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Shakespeare's King Henry the eighth, a historical play, revised ..., Volume 226

William Shakespeare - 1804 - 80 pages
...flattery, for they'll find 'em truth. This royal infant, (heaven still move about her !) Though in her cradle, yet now promises Upon this, land a thousand...bring to ripeness : She shall be A pattern to all princes living with her, And all that shall succeed. Truth shall nurse her, •Holy and heavenly thoughts...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare, Volume 6

William Shakespeare - 1804 - 550 pages
...flattery, for they'll find them truth. This royal infant, (heaven still move about her!) Though in her cradle, yet now promises Upon this land a thousand...blessings, Which time shall bring to ripeness: She shall be (But few now living can behold that goodness,) A pattern to all princes living with her, And alllhat...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare : Accurately Printed from the ..., Volume 7

William Shakespeare - 1805 - 408 pages
...flattery, for they'll find them truth. This royal infant, (heaven still move about her I) Though in her cradle, yet now promises Upon this land a thousand...blessings, Which time shall bring to ripeness: She shall be (But few now living can behold that goodness,) A pattern to all princes living with her, And all that...
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The plays of William Shakspeare, pr. from the text of the ..., Volume 7

William Shakespeare - 1805 - 434 pages
...flattery, for they'll find them truth. This royal infant, (heaven still move about her!) Though in her cradle, yet now promises Upon this land a thousand...blessings, Which time shall bring to ripeness: She shall be (But few now living can behold that goodness,) A pattern to all princes living with her, And all that...
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A Tour to Sheeraz, by the Route of Kazroon and Feerozabad: With Various ...

Edward Scott Waring - 1807 - 356 pages
...I utter Let none think flattery, for they'll find them truth. This royal infant (Heaven still raove about her !) Tho' in the cradle, yet now princes with her, And all that shall succeed. Sheba was never So covetous of wisdom and fair virtue Than this blest soul shall he. All princely graces...
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The Plays of Shakspeare: Printed from the Text of Samuel Johnson ..., Volume 4

William Shakespeare - 1807 - 472 pages
...flattery, for they'll find them truth. This royal infant, (heaven still move about her!) Though in her cradle, yet now promises Upon this land a thousand...blessings, Which time shall bring to ripeness: She shall be (But few now living can behold that goodness,) A pattern to all princes, living with her, And all,...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare, with Explanatory Notes ..., Volume 2

William Shakespeare, Samuel Ayscough - 1807 - 584 pages
...flattery, for they'll find 'em truth. This royal infant, (heaven still move about her !) Though in her (But few now living can behold that goodness) A pattern to all princes living with her, And all that...
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The British Theatre, Or, A Collection of Plays, which are Acted at the ...

Mrs. Inchbald - 1808 - 454 pages
...flattery, for they'll find them truth. This royal infant, (Heaven still move about her !) Though in her cradle, yet now promises Upon this land a thousand...bring to ripeness : She shall be A pattern to all princes living with her, And all that shall succeed. Truth shall nurse her, Holy and heavenly thoughts...
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