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Livres Livres
" ... be lunacy) but in correcting the popular notion of it, and in contending, that it has no essence independent of mental perception, that existence and perceptibility are convertible terms, that external appearances and sensations are illusory, and... "
A tour to Sheeraz by the rout of Kazroon & Feerozabad [&c.]. To which is ... - Page 254
de Edward Scott Waring - 1807
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Asiatick Researches: Or, Transactions of the Society Instituted in ..., Volume 4

1798 - 550 pages
...existence arid perceptibility are convertible terms, that external appearances and sensations are illusory, and would vanish into nothing, if the divine energy,...EPICHARMUS and PLATO seem to have adopted, and which which haa been maintained in the present century with great elegance, but with little public applause...
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Asiatic Researches; Or, Transactions of the Society, Instituted in Bengal ...

Asiatic Society of Bengal - 1807 - 504 pages
...existence and perceptibility are convertible terms ; that external appearances and sensations are illusory, and would vanish into nothing, if the divine energy, which alone sustains them, were sufpended but for a moment : an opinion, which Epicharmus and Plato seem to have adopted, and which...
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Christianity in India: An Essay on the Duty, Means, and Consequences, of ...

John William Cunningham - 1808 - 224 pages
...existence and perceptibility are convertible .terms; that external appearances and sensations are illusory, and would vanish into nothing if the divine energy,...sustains them, were suspended but for a moment*." Now although we should admit, with the distinguished writer from whom this statement is Sir William...
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Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind, Volume 2

Dugald Stewart - 1814 - 582 pages
...sensations are illusory, " and would 'vanish into nothing, if the divine energy, which alone sus" tains them, were suspended but for a moment * ; an opinion,...great elegance, but with " little public applause ; partly because it has been misunderstood, " and partly because it has been misapplied by the false...
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Letters on India

Lady Maria Callcott - 1814 - 428 pages
...and perceptibility are controvertible terms. That external appearances and sensations are illusory, and would vanish into nothing if the divine energy...alone sustains them were suspended but for a moment. Their notions concerning the human soul approach nearly to the Pantheism of some other philosophical...
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Letters on India

Lady Maria Callcott - 1814 - 426 pages
...and perceptibility are controvertible terms. That external appearances and sensations are illusory, and would, vanish into nothing if the divine energy...alone sustains them were suspended but for a moment. Their notions concerning the human soul approach nearly to the Pantheism of some other philosophical...
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Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind, Volume 2

Dugald Stewart - 1814 - 560 pages
...overlooked, that in the one, this word refers to the Creator, and in the other, to the created percipient. have adopted, and which has been maintained in the...with great elegance, but with little public applause; partly because it has been misunderstood, and partly because it has been misapplied by the false reasoning...
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Letters on India

Lady Maria Callcott - 1814 - 430 pages
...perceptibility are controvertible terms. That external appearances and sensations are illusory, arid would vanish into nothing if the divine energy which...alone sustains them were suspended but for a moment. Their notions concerning the human soul approach nearly to the Pantheism of some other philosophical...
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The History of British India, Volume 1

James Mill - 1817 - 688 pages
...existence and perceptibility are convertible terms, that external appearances and sensations are illusory, and would vanish into nothing, if the divine energy,...with great elegance, but with little public applause ; partly because it has been misunderstood, and partly because it has been misapplied by the false...
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The History of British India, Volume 1

James Mill - 1817 - 696 pages
...terms, that external appearances and sensations are illusory, and would vanish into nothing, if th& divine energy, which alone sustains them, were suspended...with great elegance, but with little public applause ; partly because it has been misunderstood, and partly because it has been misapplied by the false...
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