Monumental Brasses and Slabs: An Historical and Descriptive Notice of the Incised Monumental Memorials of the Middle Ages

G. Bell, 1847 - 235 pages

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Page 170 - ... to history they give a body and a substance by placing before us those things which language with all its power is deficient in describing.
Page 29 - Brasses, describmg this example, say that, "considered as a work of art, it will be found that the figure is ill-proportioned, but the arrangement of the drapery judiciously contrived ; whilst, as a production of the burin, this brass is not excelled by any posterior example ; each link of the mail is distinctly represented and the mere work of graving up so large a surface must have cost many weeks of patient labour.
Page 81 - ... the wimple, that strange covering for the throat, chin, and the sides of the face, is here very distinctly shown ; and it is adjusted, after a fashion prevalent in the earlier part of the Edwardian era, in such a manner as to impart a triangular outline to the features. A single curl of hair appears on either side of the forehead, which is encircled by a narrow enriched fillet ; and upon the head, and falling gracefully upon the shoulders, is a coverchef. The remainder of the costume, with the...
Page 212 - Surcingle, sur-sing-gl (Latin, stir; cingulvm, a belt). A belt, girdle, or girth, which passes over a saddle or anything laid on the horse's back, to bind it fast. Surcoat, sur-kote. A coat worn over the other clothes ; any garment worn over defensive armour. The term, however, is more generally applied to the long and flowing drapery of knights, anterior to the introduction of plate armour, and which was frequently emblazoned with the family arms.
Page 3 - ... in the art of such pre-eminent importance, that of incision : to the general antiquary from the same source widely diversified information will accrue : the palaeographer also is hence enabled to fix the distinctive form of letter used at certain periods, together with the prevalent peculiarities of contraction and abbreviation, conformable for the most part to that which is found in legends depicted upon stained glass, in illuminations, or on engraved seals. Of the important judicial testimony...
Page 169 - I cannot refrain from pressing the search after this " information," not upon archaeologists alone, but upon every one who would desire to attain to a thorough acquaintance with history. Or rather, assuming, as I am persuaded I justly may assume, that archaeology is to history herself as a twin-sister, by the influence of whose faculty of graphic elucidation the written records of the past can alone be faithfully realized to the mind, — in now advocating research into the subject of monumental...

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