The Pleasures of Hope: With Other Poems

Mundell & son, 1801 - 136 pages

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Page 30 - Oh ! bloodiest picture in the book of Time Sarmatia fell unwept, without a crime ; Found not a generous friend, a pitying foe, Strength in her arms, nor mercy in her woe...
Page 21 - So speaks affection, ere the infant eye Can look regard, or brighten in reply ; But when the cherub lip hath learnt to claim A mother's ear by that endearing name ; Soon as the playful innocent can prove A tear of pity, or a smile of love, Or cons his...
Page 1 - Why do those cliffs of shadowy tint appear More sweet than all the landscape smiling near ?Tis distance lends enchantment to the view, And robes the mountain in its azure hue.
Page 32 - Departed spirits of the mighty dead! Ye that at Marathon and Leuctra bled! Friends of the world! restore your swords to man, Fight in his sacred cause, and lead the van! Yet for Sarmatia's tears of blood atone, And make her arm puissant as your own! Oh! once again to Freedom's cause return The patriot TELL — the BRUCE OF BANNOCKBURN!
Page 36 - Ordain'd to fire th' adoring sons of earth, With every charm of wisdom and of worth ; Ordain'd to light, with intellectual day, The mazy wheels of Nature as they play, Or, warm with Fancy's energy, to glow, And rival all but Shakspeare's name below.
Page 70 - When soul to soul, and dust to dust return ! Heaven to thy charge resigns the awful hour! Oh! then, thy kingdom comes! Immortal Power! What though each spark of earth-born rapture fly The quivering lip, pale cheek, and closing eye! Bright to the soul thy seraph hands convey The morning dream of life's eternal day— Then, then, the triumph and the trance begin, And all the phoenix spirit burns within!
Page 21 - ... brighten in reply ; But when the cherub lip hath learnt to claim A mother's ear by that endearing name ; Soon as the playful innocent can prove A tear of pity, or a smile of love, Or cons his murmuring task beneath her care, Or lisps with holy look his evening prayer, Or gazing, mutely pensive, sits to hear The mournful ballad warbled in his ear ; How fondly looks admiring HOPE the while At every artless tear, and every smile...
Page 71 - Heaven's commanding trumpet, long and loud. Like Sinai's thunder, pealing from the cloud ! While Nature hears, with terror-mingled trust, The shock that hurls her fabric to the dust ; And, like the trembling Hebrew...
Page 5 - Aonian Muses say, When Man and Nature mourn'd their first decay ; When every form of death, and every woe, Shot from malignant stars to earth below ; When Murder bared her arm, and rampant War Yoked the red dragons of her iron car ; When Peace and Mercy, banish'd from the plain, Sprung on the viewless winds to Heaven again ; All, all forsook the friendless, guilty mind, But HOPE, the charmer, linger'd still behind.
Page 34 - No! — the wild wave contemns your sceptred hand: It roll'd not back when Canute gave command! Man! can thy doom no brighter soul allow? Still must thou live a blot on Nature's brow? Shall War's polluted banner ne'er be furl'd ? Shall crimes and tyrants cease but with the world ? What!

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