The Bible's Awesome Number Code!Adventures Unlimited Press, 2000 - 232 pages Researcher Bonnie Gaunt continues her search on Gematria and Bible codes. In this book, Gaunt makes a new discovery of the numeric patterns in the Gematria of the Bible and their relationship to the 3:4:5: triangle, the earth, moon and sun, presents an exquisite display of evidence of the magnificent Author of Creation and His time-line for the blessing of man. Using the Number Code, it is found that the parable of the Good Samaritan is, in fact, a time prophecy, telling the time of Jesus' return. His miracles of healing and of turning water into wine have been encoded with evidence of the time and the work of the beginning of the great 'Third Day'. The Number Code takes us on a journey from Bethlehem to Golgotha, and into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, the Kingdom of God and the building of the New Jerusalem. |
Table des matières
Jesus is His Name | 1 |
Whats in a Name? | 9 |
From Bethlehem to Golgotha | 33 |
Light Time and the Number Code | 67 |
The Good Samaritan | 101 |
The Key | 111 |
Christ He sits on Davids throne The Gematria | 160 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
Adam appears awesome bears the number beautiful beginning Behold Bethlehem Bible Bible Codes blessing blood Bonnie Gaunt born call His name Calvary circle circumference coincidence creation David's throne dominion dropping the zeros earth and moon Eighth Day everlasting Feast of Tabernacles former rain Gematria God's Golden Proportion Golden Rectangle Golden Spiral Golgotha heaven Hebrew calendar Hebrew letters Hebrew word Hebrew year 5760 holy Isaiah Israel Jehovah Jerusalem Jesus Christ Judah King light Lord Jesus Christ magnificent man's Mary Masoretic Text Matthew mean diameter Messiah miles Millennium name Immanuel name Jesus Nisan Number Code numeric value Passover Passover Lamb pattern peace Perimeter of square prophecy prophet Psalm Pyramid inches Pythagoras radius relationship reveal right of rulership rock level saith unto salvation Saviour side six days spelled stone tells Testament things Third Day thou throne of David tion told topstone Urim and Thummim wine Zechariah