The Personality of George FoxAllenson & Company, limited, 1933 - 187 pages |
Table des matières
Foxs EARLY YEARS | 7 |
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¹ Camb Ann Docwra Barbados bi-cent Bristol brought Bugg called Camb Christ Christian Church Conventicle Act Crosfield's Margaret Fox cures Early Friends edition Edward Burrough Elizabeth Hooton Ellwood Enfield England Epistles faith father Fox's Journal gaol George Fox George Whitehead give hand hath horse husband Ibid imprisonment Index James Nayler John John Stephenson Rowntree John Stubbs journey Lancaster later Launceston letter light living London Lord Lord's power Margaret Fell marriage mention mind miracles months mother narrative Nayler night Norman Penney passage Penn's persecution preaching priest prison Quaker quoted records references religious Rous says Fox Scarborough Scriptures sent ship speaks spirit storm suffering Testimony thee things Thomas Ellwood Thomas Lower thou told truth Ulverston unto Webb's Fells wife William Penn woman women Worcester words writes written wrote Yearly Meeting